

Industrial and Institutional Factors on the Impact of Urbanization in China

【作者】 朱文静

【导师】 田光;

【作者基本信息】 河北经贸大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 城市化曾一度为国内外学者研究的热点,这不仅仅由于它是经济社会发展的自然历史过程,同时也是经济社会发展的高阶段。城市化作为衡量一个国家现代化水平的重要标志,已经融入到更好的解决我国现存矛盾与问题的应用中。在经济全球化国际大环境下,作为发展大国的中国由于自己特殊的国情以及发展进程,在经济体制转轨的背景下,在经济增长与经济结构优化调整的双重压力下,中国的城市化变得极具复杂性。中国的城市化在改革开放前到改革开放后经历了一个波动起伏的发展过程。发展中的一些不平衡、不协调的问题在城市化上清晰的表现了出来。十二五规划纲领中明确提出:促进区域协调发展,积极稳妥推进城镇化;要坚持走中国特色城镇化道路,促进城镇化健康发展。改革开放30年,我国的城市化水平由1978年的17.92%上升到2007年的44.94%,到2030年,城市化水平将超过60%,伴随着大批农民工进城,就业问题、社会保障问题,基础设施与环境的制约问题变得越来越鲜明。这将导致我国经济、社会、环境发生深刻变化。①加快城市化进程,就要更好的发挥我国城市化的动力机制。本文在借鉴本领域已有研究成果的基础上,对城市化动力机制进行研究,并重点研究了工业化与制度因素对我国城市化的影响,最后对未来城市化战略做出了展望。论文的第一部分为引言,阐述选题的背景及意义、研究思路与方法、论文的基本框架和创新点。第二部分系统分析了城市化动力机制。不仅从宏观、微观方面系统分析了城市化的动力,也从形式到内容对城市化的动力作了整体概述。通过对中西方的城市化动力机制进行比较,由分析显示工业化及制度因素为最大不同点。第三部分也是核心部分,该部分通过对工业化及制度因素的分析,指出了工业化、制度因素在城市化进程中出现的问题、原因以及对策。论文最后为结论与展望,通过具体分析工业化与制度因素对我国城市化的影响从而对我国的城市化前景做了展望。

【Abstract】 Urbanization, once a hot spot for domestic and foreign scholars to study, not only because it is the natural history of economic and social development process, but also economic and social development of the high stage. Urbanization as a measure of a country an important symbol of modernization, has been integrated into a better solution to the contradictions and problems of the existing applications. International environment of economic globalization, as a large country of China developing its own special circumstances and the development process, in the context of economic transition, economic growth and optimization of economic structure adjustment under the dual pressure of urbanization in China has become great complexity.China’s urbanization in the reform and opening up, after the reform and opening up the development of a fluctuating process. The development of some of the imbalances, lack of coordination on the issue of urbanization clearly demonstrated. Second Five-Year Plan clearly stated agenda:to promote regional development, actively and steadily promote urbanization; to adhere to the road of urbanization with Chinese characteristics, promote the healthy development of urbanization.30 years of reform and opening up, China’s urbanization level from 17.92% in 1978 rose to 44.94% in 2007,2030, the urbanization level will exceed 60%, with a large number of migrant workers in cities, employment, social security infrastructure constraints and environmental issues become more clear. This will lead to our economic, social, environmental undergoing profound changes. Speed up the process of urbanization, we must play better the dynamic mechanism of urbanization in China.This article has been drawing on research in the field, based on the dynamic mechanism on the study of urbanization, and on this basis, the future path of urbanization some suggestions. The first part is an introduction to explain the background and significance of topics, research ideas and methods, the basic framework and innovation. The second part of the systematic analysis of the dynamic mechanism of urbanization. Not only from the macro and micro aspects of the driving force of urbanization are introduced; also to the core essence of the dynamic analysis of the city. By the urbanization of the dynamic mechanism of the West compared, by factor analysis showed that the largest industrial and institutional differences. The third part is the core part, the part of institutional factors on the analysis of industrialization and that industrialization, institutional factors in the process of urbanization in the problems, causes and countermeasures. Finally the conclusions and prospects, through industrialization and institutional factors detailed analysis of the effects of urbanization in China on China’s urbanization and thus puts forward the prospect.

【关键词】 城市化工业化制度因素
【Key words】 Urbanizationindustrializationinstitutional factors

