

Stability Analysis on the Side Slope of the Highways in Loess Land

【作者】 纪海波

【导师】 盛建龙;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 岩土工程, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 在公路高速发展的今天,各种地质情况下的公路建设已经越来越多。黄土地区是滑坡泥石流多发的地区,边坡稳定性的研究是目前人们关注的重要问题。因此,有必要进一步对在实际工程中边坡进行理论研究和实际探讨,从而有针对性地提出可靠的研究分析方案。本文主要通过研究山西省广灵-浑源高速公路上韩村黄土边坡段,在调研了研究区域边坡的地形地貌、天气、水文、地震等条件基础上,分析对边坡的边坡稳定性的影响因素。采用极限平衡法中的圆弧法,对所研究的上韩村边坡进行分析,求稳定安全系数,在理论上得出边坡是否是稳定的。运用FLAC 3D软件对上韩村黄土边坡进行建立三维数值模型。运用强度折减法对上韩村黄土边坡进行应力、位移、剪应力的分析,通过对比天然状态下、开挖时、开挖后之间的位移和应力图,表明随着开挖的进行,边坡开挖面位移增大,对边坡稳定性影响较为严重;在坡脚出现应力集中使边坡处于亚稳定状态对于黄土边坡来说,如何选择开挖的坡度,是研究的一个重要的问题。因为如果我们放坡的角度过大,边坡容易滑塌、崩塌;若放坡的坡度过小,虽然边坡会变得比较稳定、安全,但是相对的我们做的工作会增加,不经济。为了更好的选择坡度,文章对不同坡度进行了边坡稳定性的计算与分析,分析比较得出坡度为40°是开挖最优方案。

【Abstract】 With the current quickening development of highways, highway construction is increasingly practiced in various geological conditions. Loess land usually suffers frequent landslides and debris flows and this makes the stability analysis on the side slopes an important issue and also a top concern at the moment. Therefore, it is of great necessity to do a theoretical research and practical discussion on side slope in the actual construction and state out reliable research and analysis plans by focusing on research questions.This paper mainly studies the loess slope area of the highway from Guangling city to Hunyuan city in Shanxi province and analyzes the influencing factors affecting the stability of side slope on the basis of geographic conditions obtained in the investigation and survey within the survey region such as land form and feather, weather, hydrology, earthquake and so on.This paper adopts the cyclographic method of the method of limit equilibrium to analyze the side slope of Shanghan village as the research object for stability factors and theoretically figures out whether the side slope is stable.This paper then uses the software called FLAS 3D to establish a three-dimensional numerical model of the loess slope of Shanghan village. After that, strength reduction method is used to analyze the stress, displacement and shearing strength of the loess slope of Shanghan village. By comparing the displacement and stress diagrams in natural conditions, that in excavation and that after excavation, it reveals that the displacement of the cut surface of the side slope are expanding in the process of excavation and this would severely influence the stability of side slope. As to loess slope, how to select an appropriate degree of slope for excavation is a important research question, because the stress concentration at the foot of the slope makes the side slope in a metastable state. If a big degree is chose, the side slope would easily slump and collapse. If a small degree is chose, the side slope would become stable and safe but would expand our work and cost more money. In order to find out a proper degree, this paper calculates and analyzes the stability of various slopes and hold that a degree of 40 for excavation would be the best plan.


