

High Phosphorus Hematite in Western Hubei Extraction Iron and Remove Phosphorusproucess Performance Study

【作者】 段正义

【导师】 强敏;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 化学工艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验以鄂西高磷赤铁矿为研究对象,鄂西高磷鲕状赤铁矿矿物成分复杂,嵌布极细,杂质磷、铝、硅的含量高,属极为难选的铁矿石,由于微细矿物颗粒容易发生互凝聚和矿泥罩盖,导致最终浮选效果的恶化。宜采用分散—选择性絮凝—反浮选的方法,来达到提铁降磷的目的。矿浆中加入分散剂之后,根据DLVO理论,矿浆颗粒之间的分散稳定性将取决于体系的范德华引力作用势能,水化排斥势能,空间位阻势能,双电层作用势能。絮凝步骤中絮凝剂选择性吸附带负电的矿物离子,使矿物颗粒聚沉,絮凝后得到粗精矿,再进一步通过反浮选能得到铁含量较高的精矿本实验主要得出的结论包括:(1)通过强磁选实验确定最佳电流为18A,使铁品位由43.71wt%提高到51.30wt%,磷含量由0.93wt%降到0.66wt%。(2)通过单因素实验确定最佳分散剂为六偏磷酸钠,可使分散效果达到85%。(3)改性常用絮凝剂得到改性聚丙烯酰胺,可使矿浆有效絮凝。絮凝后铁品位提高至51.94wt%,磷降为0.44wt%。(4)改性浮选剂并得到最佳浮选条件,包括抑制剂,活化剂,浮选剂及pH环境等。反浮选最后的结果为铁品位55.54wt%,磷含量为0.420wt%,与原矿相比铁品位提高了12.71wt%,磷含量降低了0.51wt%。本实验通过对选矿过程三个环节工艺条件的研究得到一种有效处理高磷赤铁矿的工艺方法。对我国未来开发低品位铁矿提供了一种有效手段。

【Abstract】 This research take the hematite with high phosphorus in Western Hubei as research subject. The composition of this oolitic hematite mineral is very complex, embedded cloth very fine, impurities content such as phosphorus、aluminum、silicon are high, belong to those kind of iron ore that extremely difficult to choose from. Due to the fine mineral particles prone to mutual solidarity and slime cover, causing the deterioration of the final flotation. It should be adopted dispersed-selective flocculation-flotation method to achieve reduced phosphorus and increased iron。After added disperse agent, in the DLVO theory, dispersion stability of the pulp system is decided by Vander Waal force potential energy, space resistance potential energy and double-electrodes layer potential energy. In the flocculation step, flocculant selective absorption of mineral negatively charged ions, get the mineral grains to sink, flocculation resulting concentrate and through the further reverse flotation can get a high iron content of concentrates.The conclusion of this experiment mainly include:(1)By strong magnetic separation experiments to determine the optimal current 18A, improve the iron content from 43.71wt% to 51.30wt%, reduce the phosphorus content from 0.93wt% to 0.66wt%.(2)Through single factor experiment to determine the optimal dispersant is hexametaphosphate, it can make the dispersion efficiency reach 85%. (3)We modified the common flocculant and get modified polyacrylamide, it can make pulp effective flocculation. After flocculation experiment iron increase to 51.94wt%, phosphorus drop to 0.44 wt%. (4)Through flotation experiment and get the best flotation condition, including inhibitors, activator, flotation agents and pH environment, etc. The final result of flotation experiment is iron increase to 55.54wt%, phosphorus content reduce to 0.420wt%, The iron content improved 12.71wt% compared with originally mine. The phosphorus content decreased 0.51wt%.This experiment research three stages of mineral processing technology conditions got a kind of effective process method to high phosphorus hematite. It provides an effective means to China’s future development of low-grade iron ore.


