

The Acceleration and Deceleration Algorithm and Simulation of Position and Pressure Control Conversion Process of Electro-hydraulic Servo System

【作者】 黄飞

【导师】 许益民;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着机械加工自动化程度和机械加工精度的提高,电液伺服系统需要进行位置控制与压力控制切换的场合越来越多。研究位置与压力切换的控制过程至关重要。本文以连铸机液压控制系统为例,对该伺服系统位置控制和压力控制各个环节进行分析和建模,建立伺服系统的位置控制模型和压力控制模型,并在simulink中进行仿真,为分析位置控制与压力控制的特点提供依据。针对位置控制与压力控制的特点,仔细分析了位置控制系统与压力控制系统进行切换的系统耦合方式,并介绍了不同耦合方式的特点和国内外研究状况,并参考力士乐公司轴运动控制器HNC100介绍了各种位置和压力切换的方式,在此基础上,提出了基于并联耦合方式的变加减速算法,据此算法得到的S曲线可以用于位置与压力控制的平稳切换,解决切换的冲击问题。本文基于变加减速算法给出了S曲线的推导过程,建立了变加减速算法的通用公式,并在simulink中建立变加减速算法的模型,对该模型进行仿真以验证算法的可行性。在仿真过程中,根据并联耦合方式将位置控制系统与压力控制系统进行耦合,将变加减速控制算法加入到位置和压力耦合的控制系统中,建立包含切换过程的系统模型,借助于仿真软件Matlab6.5/SIMULINK对所建立的系统模型进行仿真。仿真结果表明,在进行位置控制向压力控制切换时采用变加减速算法可以很好地实现执行元件在切换过程中压力和位置平滑切换,达到切换过程无冲击的要求,证实了本文提出的变加减速算法的可行性和正确性。

【Abstract】 With the increase of machining automation and machining accuracy ,the occasions of using switch between position control and pressure control of Electro-hydraulic servo system is also getting more and more,So the research on switch control process of position control and pressure control is very important.Based on the hydraulic control system of continuous casting machine, this paper analyzed and modeled each link of position control and pressure control servo system , it also established the models of position control and pressure control servo system ,and simulateed those modles in simulink software, and provided the basis for analyzing the characteristics of Position control and pressure control.According to characteristic of position control system and pressure control system, this paper analyzed the coupling way of switching system of position control system and pressure control system carefully, and introduced the characteristics of different coupling way and research progress of domestic and abroad, it also introduced various switch modes of position and pressure referring to rexroth axis motion controller HNC100 , this paper provided a changing acceleration and deceleration algorithmve based on parallel coupling manner, and obtained the S-curve algorithm which can be used to achieve a smooth switch between position and pressure control and solved the impact problem while switching.In this paper, it deduced the process of the S-curve algorithm based on changing acceleration and deceleration algorithmve, and established the universal formula of changing acceleration and deceleration algorithmve, and created the model of acceleration and deceleration algorithm in the simulink software, then simulated the model to validate the feasibility of the algorithm. In the simulation process, according to the parallel coupling way to couple the position control system and pressure control system, it added changing acceleration and deceleration control algorithm to the position and pressure coupled control system to build the system model of the switching process , is also simulated the established model by mean of simulation software of matla6.5/simulink.Simulation results showed that using changing acceleration and deceleration algorithm can achieve smoothly switch of position and pressure during the switch proces of position control convert to pressure control, which confirmed that the proposed changing acceleration and deceleration algorithm is feasible and correct.


