

Optimal Control of Asynchronous Motor Mechanical Efficiency Based on Genetic Algorithms

【作者】 李首光

【导师】 刘惠康;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 实现电能与机械能相互转换的电工设备总称为电机。电机是利用电磁感应原理实现电能与机械能的相互转换。把机械能转换成电能的设备称为发电机,而把电能转换成机械能的设备叫做电动机。在生产上主要用的是交流电动机,特别是三相异步电动机。异步电动机是量大、面广的耗能设备,我国异步电动机的年耗电量约占工业耗电量的80%。由于异步电动机具有结构简单、坚固耐用、运行可靠、价格低廉、维护方便等优点,被广泛地用来驱动各种金属切削机床、起重机、锻压机、传送带、铸造机械、功率不大的通风机及水泵等。但在实际工作中大部分异步电动机并非满载运行,或不是始终满载运行,电动机经常工作于满电压及负载较轻或负载波动频繁的状态,导致异步电动机功率因数和机械效率都很低,功率因数一般都不会超过0.8,这种电机的非经济运行浪费了大量能源,节能问题日益突出。遗传算法是一种简单、高效的优化算法,它为我们指明了一种求解复杂系统优化问题的通用途径,也为三相异步电动机在轻载或空载时机械效率的优化问题提供了有力依据。本文通过理论分析三相异步电动机在轻载或空载时的机械效率,提出运用遗传算法原理提高异步电动机在轻载或空载时的机械效率,并从理论上对机械效率的优化进行了可靠的证明。通过实验和仿真结果可以看出,这种基于遗传算法的异步电动机机械效率的优化控制方法明显地提高了异步电动机在轻载或空载时的机械效率,具有极高理论和实际意义。

【Abstract】 The electrical equipment which achieves electrical energy and mechanical energy conversion collectively known as the motor. And the motor converses electrical energy into mechanical energy by the principle of electromagnetic induction. The device which converses mechanical energy into electrical energy called the generator, and the device which converses mechanical energy into electrical energy called the electric motor. The AC motor is widely used in production, especially the three-phase asynchronous motor. Asynchronous motor is large, a wide range of energy-consuming equipment, the annual electricity consumption of the asynchronous motor accounted for about 80% of industrial power consumption. As the asynchronous motor has a simple structure, rugged, reliable, low cost, easy maintenance, etc., they are widely used to drive a variety of metal cutting machine tools, cranes, forging machines, conveyor belts, foundry machinery, low power fan, water pump, and so on. However, most of the asynchronous motors not run at fully loaded situation, or not always run at full capacity in practice work, the electric motor often works at full load voltage and light load or the state of frequent load fluctuations, which results in low power factor and efficiency of induction motor, generally the power factor is less than 0.8, and such non-economic operation of motor waste a lot of energy, energy conservation is becoming increasingly prominent.Genetic algorithm is a simple and efficient optimization algorithm, which pointed out a general way for us to solve complex optimization problems, and also provides a strong basis for the optimization problem of three-phase asynchronous motor’s mechanical efficiency at light load or no load. This paper theoretical analysises the mechanical efficiency of three-phase asynchronous motor at light load or no load, and put forward a way to improve the mechanical efficiency of three-phase asynchronous motor at light load or no load by the principle of genetic algorithm, then proves the reliability of the optimization in theory. From the experiment and simulation results, we can see that the optimal method based on genetic algorithms has significantly improved the mechanical efficiency of three-phase asynchronous motor at light load or no load, and it has a high theoretical and practical significance.

  • 【分类号】TP18;TM343
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】106
  • 攻读期成果

