

The Aquatic Biota Characteristics of Taihu Lake and Its Relationship with the Derivation of Lake Water Quality Criteria in China

【作者】 苏海磊

【导师】 吴丰昌;

【作者基本信息】 中国环境科学研究院 , 环境科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过文献调研对太湖和北美五大湖的生物区系特征进行分析,并研究美国、加拿大、欧盟、荷兰以及澳大利亚和新西兰等国家水质基准推导的物种选择和数据要求,,结合太湖生物区系特征,从保护水生生物水质基准、保护人体健康水质基准、保护野生生物水质基准和沉积物质量基准等四方面提出我国湖泊水质基准推导所需要的物种选择和数据要求。本研究对全面了解太湖生物区系有较好参考价值,为我国淡水生物区系和水质基准研究提供重要的指导和借鉴意义。通过分析,太湖共有水生生物146科442种,各类生物种类数量相当,其中鱼类25科107种,以鲤科鱼类为主体;底栖动物21科66种,摇蚊科和颤蚓科等种类较多;浮游动物37科103种,臂尾轮虫科、溞科和剑水蚤科等种类较多;浮游植物29科81种,蓝藻门、绿藻门和硅藻门等种类较多;水生植物34科85种,蓼科和禾本科等种类较多。我国有淡水藻类9000多种;浮游动物2700多种;鱼类1000余种;底栖动物900多种;水生植物400多种。北美五大湖有鱼类134种,底栖动物165种,浮游动物132种以及浮游植物1456种,浮游植物种类远多于其他三类生物,鱼类以鲑科和鲤科种类最多。各国水质基准推导的物种选择和数据要求为:对于水生生物水质基准,美国规定至少选择来自3门8科的水生生物,加拿大规定至少选择3种鱼类、3种无脊椎动物以及一种水生植物或藻类,澳大利亚和新西兰要求至少选择4个类群的5个物种,荷兰要求选择至少4个类群的物种,欧盟要求选择至少8个类群的10个物种;对于野生生物水质基准,美国规定选择2种哺乳动物和3种鸟类,加拿大规定至少选择3种哺乳动物和2种鸟类;对于沉积物质量基准,加拿大规定至少选择2种无脊椎动物,荷兰和欧盟要求至少选择10个底栖动物。我国湖泊水质基准推导所需的物种选择和数据要求为:水生生物水质基准推导至少选择鲤鱼科、银鱼科、溞科、臂尾轮科、摇蚊科、蚬科、颤蚓科以及一种最敏感水生植物或藻类;人体健康水质基准推导需要考虑所有可食用鱼贝类;推导野生生物水质基准,至少选择四种鸟类和一种哺乳动物;推导沉积物质量基准至少选择6种底栖动物。

【Abstract】 The aquatic biota characteristics of Taihu Lake in China and Great Lakes in North America were analyzed via literature review in this study. And the species selection and data requirements of water quality criteria derivation documents from America, Canada, Europe, Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand were studied. Considering the aquatic biota characteristics of Taihu Lake, the species selection and data requirements for the Chinese lakes water quality criteria including aquatic life criteria, human health criteria, wildlife criteria and sediment quality criteria were determined. This study would provide theory basis for species selection in the procedure of water quality criteria derivation and might be of great importance for the water quality criteria research in China.The results revealed that there are 442 species in 146 families in the Taihu Lake, and the species numbers of fish, zoobenthos, zooplankton, phytoplankton and hydrophyte were 107species in 25 families,66 species in 21 families,103 species in 37 families,81 species in 29 families and 85 species in 34 families respectively. For the whole Chinese fresh aquatic biota, the species numbers of fish, zoobenthos, zooplankton, phytoplankton and hydrophyte were 1023,927,2716,9000 and 437, respectively. Cyprinid fish being the dominant species was the main characteristic of both Taihu Lake and Chinese freshwater fish fauna. The North America Great lakes contained fish 134 species, zoobenthos 165 species, zooplankton 132 species and phytoplankton 1456 species, and the phytoplankton species number was much more larger than others. The dominant species in the Great Lakes fish fauna were cyprinid and Salmonidae.Species selection and data requirements for deriving water quality criteria in America, Europe, Canada, Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand were extensively studied. For the aquatic life criteria, aquatic organisms at least in eight different families from three phyla were needed in America; in Canada, at least three fish, three invertebrates, and one aquatic macrophytes (or algae) were needed; in Australian and New Zealand, at least five species from four different taxonomic groups were needed and at least four species in Netherlands; and in Europe at least ten species from eight different taxonomic groups were needed. For the human health criteria, the Species selection and data requirements were not clearly determined. For the wildlife criteria, two mammalian species and three avian species were needed in America, and in Canada at least three mammalian species and two avian species were needed. For the sediment quality criteria, at least two invertebrates were needed in Canada, and in Netherlands and Europe at least ten benthic invertebrates were needed.The species selection and data requirements needed in the water quality derivation procedure for Chinese lakes were determined as followed. For aquatic life criteria, the aquatic organisms at least from eight families needed were cyprinidae, salangidae, chironomidae, corbiculidae, tubificidae, branchionidae, daphnidae, and one sensitive hydrophyte or algae. For the human health criteria, all the esculent fish and shellfish needed to be considered. For the wildlife criteria, at least one mammalian species and three avian species were needed. For the sediment quality criteria, six families from benthic invertebrates including corbiculidae, lymnaeidae, palaemonidae, chironomidae, tubificidae, and glossiphoniinae needed to be selected.


