

Study on the Procedure and Methods of Compulsory Cleaner Production Audit

【作者】 汪利平

【导师】 于秀玲;

【作者基本信息】 中国环境科学研究院 , 环境工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 强制性清洁生产审核为我国首创,其自推行以来,一直沿用我国引自国外的自愿性清洁生产审核程序和方法。由于针对性和适用环境的不同,该程序和方法在一定程度上阻碍了我国强制性清洁生产审核的进一步发展。通过对我国强制性审核现状的了解,立足于我国现行清洁生产审核程序和方法之上,同时借鉴国际上实施清洁生产审核较为成功国家的审核程序和方法,文中提出了一套有着我国强制性审核特色的强制性审核程序和方法。强制性审核程序更加注重强制性审核的特征即对“双超”“双有”等企业的针对性以及企业经强制性审核后须达到的目标,将审核重点、审核目标及清洁生产方案的确定主要围绕这两点进行。同时,为了保证审核的质量,在对强制性审核程序上主要增加了清洁生产方案配套资金的注入和对方案实施的监督。强制性审核方法研究根据" where-why-how "思想,分别针对每点提出了相应的方法并就方法的应用进行了探讨。针对"where"本文提出了企业生产漏洞识别法。将企业生产按照物质和生产过程分类,漏洞识别则相应分为了物质漏洞识别和生产过程漏洞识别,其将有毒有害物质、影响正常生产的操作和现象作为企业的漏洞。通过某电解锰企业的实际案例分析,识别出了企业中的18个漏洞。针对“why”和“how”本文应用了根本原因分析法,其通过根本原因分析对企业漏洞进行由果及因的分析,得出企业问题的根本症结所在,同时得出解决方案。本文对案例漏洞进行分析,更加彻底和系统地找出了漏洞存在的根本原因。同时本文运用AHP-模糊综合评价法按照危害性对漏洞进行排序,将危害性严重的漏洞视为审核重点,通过案例分析,将前9个漏洞视为本次审核的重点;应用AHP-模糊综合评价法进行可实施中/高费方案的排序,在案例分析中,得出锰渣二次浸取、离子交换处理废水方案为本轮审核应实施的方案。各个步骤及整体的结果与企业现场审核一致,说明本文的方法在强审中理论上可行。

【Abstract】 Compulsory Cleaner Production Audit (CCPA) initiated by China. Since its inception, it has used voluntary cleaner production audit procedures and methods which introduced from abroad. To some extent, the procedures and methods hindered the further development of compulsory cleaner production audit in China as the different relevant and applicable environment.Through understanding the status of CCPA in China, basing on original audit procedures and methods of CP, using the experience of other countries for reference, this paper proposed its own set way of CCPA procedures and methods.This procedures augmented research on the enterprise which exceeding pollutant discharge criteria or total amountlimit or using of toxic and hazardous materials in production or emissions of toxic and harmful substances and the objective by the CCPA, which determined the audit key point and programs. Meanwhile, in order to ensure audit quality, it increased the part of counterpart funds and supervision of program implementation.Methods researching based on the idea of "where-why-how". For the "where", this paper put forward Production Flaw Identification method innovatively, which find the material and productive process flaws by acknowledging the toxic or harmful material and the destructive factors to produce and environment etc. Throgh one manganese company CCPA’s study, Production Flaw Identification method found out 18 flaws in this company.Then by the production factors, this paper applied Root Causes Analysis method to analyse the reasons of flaws and to generate solutions, and it solved the problem of "why" and "how". Utilizing RCA in case CCPA, it found reasons more drastically. At the same time, this paper ordered the flaws in perniciousness by AHP-Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation, and the 1-9 flaws are audit focous in this CCPA. Finally, AHP-Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation was used to sort the solution. It educed the solutions of Secondary manganese slag leaching and ion exchange wastewater which were the programme that should be implemented in this audit. The overall results were consistent with the actual audit, and it proved that these methods are feasible in CCPA.


