

Study on the Core Competence of Key Basic Discipline and Its Evolution of Military Medical University

【作者】 吴慧媛

【导师】 徐迪雄;

【作者基本信息】 第三军医大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 学科是大学的基本构成单元,而重点学科在大学的发展过程中起着龙头作用,在军医大学中基础学科是其发展的基础和源泉,基础重点学科更是整个学校发展水平的核心标志,有着引领、支撑和辐射作用。因此加强基础重点学科建设是军医大学学科建设的重点任务。本研究引入核心竞争力理论,构建军医大学基础重点学科核心竞争力评价指标体系,旨在从核心竞争力角度探讨军医大学基础重点学科建设,从而达到提高医学基础学科的整体水平的目的,以实现军医大学全面协调可持续发展。研究目的应用核心竞争力理论,分析第三军医大学基础重点学科建设现状,及三所军医大学基础学科概况,提出医学基础学科核心竞争力的概念、内涵,构建军医大学基础重点学科核心竞争力评价体系,并选择典型的重点学科进行实证研究,在此基础上,提出加强基础重点学科核心竞争力建设的对策和建议。研究对象三所军医大学校级以上基础重点学科,包括基础医学和生物学两大类。研究方法1、通过文献调研等方法,了解、掌握军医大学基础重点学科建设和基础重点学科核心竞争力相关理论,为开展本研究提供理论基础。2、通过专家访谈,资料查阅等方法,对第三军医大学基础重点学科建设的现状、三所军医大学基础重点学科的概况进行综合分析。3、采用文献调研、专家咨询等方法,初步构建指标体系,然后运用德尔斐法对评价指标进行筛选和确定,再用层次分析法对各级指标进行权重的确定,最后构建比较科学的军医大学基础重点学科核心竞争力评价体系。4、运用多层次灰色评价法建立模型,对第三军医大学基础重点学科进行实证研究。研究结果1、首次提出了军医大学基础重点学科核心竞争力的概念和内涵。具体概念为:医学基础学科作为竞争主体,在争取本学科发展的优势地位过程中长期发展形成的独特的,积累于内部的起支撑作用的竞争优势,集中体现在人才、科研、教学和运行管理等方面,能有效集中并利用竞争资源,最大限度发挥竞争能力,使学科能长期取得主动并持续发展的一种能力。2、初步构建军医大学基础重点学科核心竞争力评价指标体系,为军医大学基础重点学科核心竞争力评价提供了科学的方法和手段。3、应用业已建立的评价指标体系,对第三军医大学免疫学和人体解剖与组织胚胎学两个基础重点学科进行了核心竞争力评价实证研究,根据评价模型得出免疫学科的核心竞争力稍高于人体解剖与组织胚胎学科,证实该评价体系科学、合理。结论本研究提出了医学基础学科核心竞争力的概念和内涵,构建了军医大学基础重点学科核心竞争力评价指标体系,建立了评价模型并通过该模型证实了第三军医大学免疫学科核心竞争力高于人体解剖与组织胚胎学科,与学科建设的实际情况相符合,说明评价指标体系是比较合理的。在此基础上,提出了加强军医大学基础重点学科核心竞争力建设的相应建议,包括树立一流意识,做一流学科建设;加强学科带头人培养,打造优秀创新团队;突出学科发展前沿,着力提高原始创新能力;深化教学改革,大力提升人才培养质量;改进支撑条件,提供学科创新发展保障;完善学科评估考核机制,构建良好创新环境。

【Abstract】 In the university, discipline is the basic structural unit , and the key disciplines plays a leading role in the development of the university ,in the Military Medical University the basic disciplines is the basis and source of its development, the key discipline is the core logo of the development level of the school, plays leading and radiation. Therefore, strengthening the development and construction of key basic disciplines is the key task Military Medical University,in this study, the introduction of core competence is to enhance the basic core competencies of key basic disciplines, so as to improve the overall level of the key basic disciplines and the military medical university.Purpose:By the core competence theory, to analyse Military Medical University, Key Subject Construction, presente the concepts, content of core competence of basic discplines, initially built assessment system of key basic disciplines core competence, and study to typical empirical key disciplines, proposed countermeasures and suggestions construction of the core competence of key basic disciplines finally.Objects:The basis key subjects of three Military Medical University, including basic medicine and biology.Methods:1 Through the literature search, data access and others to study the theory of foundation construction of key basic disciplines of the Military Medical University and the core competence.2 Through expert interviews, data access methods to analyze the status of key basic disciplines of Military Medical University.3 Use the literature research, expert interview to build the preliminary index system and using the Delphi method for screening and evaluation to determine, and then use AHP indicators at all levels to determine the weight, and finally form a more scientific and rational assessment system of key basic disciplines core competence of Military Medical University.4 Through the multilevel gray evaluation method to build model and applied empirical research.Results1 Presented the concept and content of key basic disciplines core competence of Military Medical University,2 Constructed the evaluation index system of key basic disciplines core competence of Military Medical University,and evaluation index weights were set.3 Take our two key disciplines to the empirical research, and get a conclusion that the core competence of subject A is slightly higher than subject B based on the evaluation model.ConclusionIn this study, through theoretical study and field research to presented the concept of core competence and content of the key basic disciplines of the Military Medical University, constructed the evaluation index system and evaluation criteria of core competence of key disciplines, then established an evaluation model and conduct empirical research and get a conclusion that the core competence of subject A is slightly higher than subject B,which is the same as the truth. The last, it presented the appropriate recommendations to enhance the core competence of key basic disciplines.


