

【作者】 徐敬楠

【导师】 黄仁生;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 刘崧是元末明初江右文人的领军人物,他经学博洽,恭俭慎廉,诗文创作具有鲜明的特点,并取得了较高的成就。以他为代表的江右文人群对纠正元末文坛之弊与促使台阁体的产生,都有着不可忽视的影响。刘崧“有学有行”,在当世颇有声名,但目前尚未引起学界的足够重视,这与他在当时文坛的较大影响不符。本文立足文本,全面梳理刘崧的生平与交游,并对其文学思想与诗文创作做重点考察,探讨他对元末明初文坛的贡献及在文学史上的地位。全文分四章,第一章为刘崧生平与交游。第一节首先分析南唐故族情结、西昌人文风土及家学传承对其思想观念与文学创作的影响。其次以洪武三年(1370)刘崧出仕为界,将其生平分为元末隐居与明初仕宦两个阶段,阐述其生平经历、文学思想与诗文创作的发展概况。第二节考辨刘崧交游,重点考察他与江右文人间的倡和往来,及由此对其文学思想、诗文创作及元明文坛产生的影响,并勾勒出江右文人群体的成员状况与发展脉络。第二章探讨刘崧文学思想。从本体论、创作论、风格论三方面,论述其主情性,倡复古,标雅正的文学观念与“五美云备”的创作理论体系,重在阐述刘崧诗文复古观念及以儒为纲的雅正风格论,并探讨其对明代复古思潮及台阁文学产生的影响。第三章为刘崧诗歌研究。该章把其诗作分为前后两期,前期以反映社会动乱,述说生活态度与抒写生活意趣为主,后期则侧重抒发仕隐的矛盾心理。第三节从刘崧诗歌的高古格调、晚唐兴味、精细深微的白描手法、意象与色彩的组合构图、拟古的用韵特点、流畅清丽的语言风格等几方面,综合评价刘崧诗歌的艺术特色。第四章为刘崧散文研究。第一节介绍像赞、传状、墓铭、祭文等传记类作品,着重论述此类文章重客观实录,长于叙事说理等特色。第二节分析书牍、杂记、序跋、箴铭、论说等其他散文创作,旨在展现此类散文概貌。结语部分总结刘崧的文学史地位与影响,并阐述以他为代表的江右文人群体对明代文坛格局的形成与发展产生的影响。

【Abstract】 Liu Song is the leader of Jiang You literati’s colony during the period from the late Yuan to the early Ming. He is knowledgeable, magnanimous, and incorruptible. His works have distinct characteristics and make higher achievement. The literati’s colony of JiangYou which he leads has influenced upon correcting the literary maladies of Yuan and forming cabinet-style literature of Ming. What’s more, his character and knowledge have respected at that time. However, he hasn’t been paid sufficient attention now, not to say researchers. The purpose of my thesis is to give him an objective evaluation in the history of literature by reading all of his literary works.There are four chapters in my thesis. The first chapter focuses on Liu Song’s life experience and his friends of literary circles. According to his ancestors come from JinLing and his different life experience in Yuan and Ming Dynasty, his whole life with the development of his literary thesis and writings can be divided into two stages taking year 1370 as the boundary. The second section deals with his contact with friends, especially paying attention to his friendship with the literati’s colony of JiangYou, which has huge influence on his literary thesis and works. Furthermore, I will try to sketch the members of JiangYou literati’s colony and their evolution track.The second chapter is a description and evaluation of Liu Song’s literary thesis. The section is a description of his thesis from ontology, creation and style of literature, which can be summarized as "fundamental of real sentiments", "anti-archaism to Han and Tang Dynasty", "seeking an orthodoxy and elegance style", and theoretical system of creation. They affect the literary restoration and the cabinet-literature of Ming Dynasty.The third chapter focuses on his poems. The first two introduce his main poems in different subjects of different periods, which divided into reflection of social disturbance and life hardships, expressing editor’s desire, life attitude of conflict between government service and seclusion and so on. The third section is an comprehensive evaluation of their ideological contents and artistic techniques.The last chapter deals with his essays, including biographies, glorifications, inscriptions, travel notes, argumentations, letters, forewords and postscripts etc. The purpose is discussing the general situation, aesthetic feature and deficiencies of the proses. In the epilogue of the thesis, I try to summarize Liu Song’s values in the history of literature and attempt to elucidate the effects on the literary world pattern’s forming and development of Ming Dynasty by JiangYou regional literati’s colony.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】176

