

【作者】 陈垚犇

【导师】 林荣日;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 跨学科科研团队是当前高校实施科研的重要载体,理想的师生互动机制有利于促进团队成员调整和运用新知识、新方法,增强科学研究与创新的技能;良性人际关系网络的构建,也帮助学生获得情感上的支持,有助于他们建立研究的主人意识与团队归属感,增强参与团体科研的积极性。然而,当前大量关于科研团队的研究主要着眼于科研团队的宏观管理和外部发展条件的构建,较少关注团队内部环境和团队成员的个体成长。本研究借鉴社会学习理论,通过对当前高校科研团队师生互动机制现状的调查,以期揭示科研团队师生互动机制的影响因素,为高校科研团队的发展提供理性思考。笔者基于相关研究成果,结合案例调查与分析,从团队领导风格和学生成长模式两个角度考察科研团队中师生互动机制。根据团队领袖的行为方式与效果,团队领导风格可分为专制型、民主型、权威型和忽视型四种。由于科研团队发展的阶段性和环境的复杂性,现实中科研团队的领导风格往往是几种不同类型的综合体,对此在两个案例分析中有较为具体的呈现。学生成长模式受到学生个体的性格特征、信仰追求、价值理念等主体因素以及团队内外部环境因素的影响,大体上亦可分为四种:合作成长型、世俗功利型、冷漠疏离型以及矛盾对立型。研究发展科研团队中的师生互动关系的构建,受到个体及群体两个层面因素的影响。个体层面的因素侧重于个体主观因素与行为关系的维度,包括介入技能、学术辅导、情感支持、社会互动机会以及社交活动五个方面;群体层面的因素侧重于环境与行为关系的维度,包括物质保障和文化氛围两个方面。成功的高校科研团队在此两方面都显示出若干共同特征,包括明确的团队目标,合理的成员构成,持续改进与创新的精神,以及合作密切、平等沟通、相互信任的师生互动机制等等。最后,本文提出建立理想师生互动机制的若干建议。随着高校科研团队相关政策的完善和学术环境的日益改善,科研团队应该逐步向学习共同体转变;通过构建师生的共同愿景,完善以相互尊重和信任为基础的“对话”机制,促进评价与激励机制的建设,形成创新导向、互助合作意识以及公平竞争传统的团队和谐文化氛围,增强科研团队发展的核心竞争力。

【Abstract】 Interdisciplinary research team is currently an important carrier of scientific research in colleges and universities. An ideal advisor-student interaction mechanism is conducive to promote team members to adjust and apply new knowledge and methods, enhance the skills and capacity of scientific research and innovation, develop interpersonal networks to help students obtain emotional support, and build awareness of owner and a sense of belonging within the team, so that to encourage participation in group research. Despite the current research focuses on macro-management of research teams and external conditions for its development, little has explored team members and their social interaction mechanisms used to facilitate individual growth in research teams. Drawing upon the social learning theory, this study analyzes the present state of advisor-student interaction mechanisms in scientific research teams, with the aim to find the positive and negative factors and rational thinking for their development.Based on previous research findings, combined with case studies and analysis, we explore advisor-student interaction mechanisms in aspects of team leadership style and student growth model. According to team leader behavior and effectiveness, team leadership style can be defined as authoritarian, democratic, authoritative, and neglectful types. Despite the complexity that comes with the development of research teams, leadership style presents often a synthesis of several different types, which are shown in the two case studies. Influenced by personality factors, such as character, beliefs, the pursuit of values, and external environmental factors, Individual student growth present four models:cooperative growth, vulgar utilitarian, indifferent alienation and contradictory tension.Factors that have been found to impact the construction of advisor-student interaction mechanisms incorporate aspects of psychological factors and environmental factors. Psychological factors, which are important for influencing how one behaves, include entry skills, academic supervision, emotional support, social interaction opportunities and social activities; while environment cause people to behave in certain ways, such as physical security and culture atmosphere. In general, successful research teams share several common features, as clear team goals, reasonable membership, the spirit of continuous improvement and innovation, as well as ideal advisor-student interaction mechanisms, which facilitate mutual trust, close cooperation and democratic communication.Finally, suggestions are proposed for the construction of ideal advisor-student interaction mechanisms in university research teams. Along with the amelioration of research team related policies and environment, university research teams are supposed to transform gradually to a Learning Community, launch a common vision, build "dialogue " mechanism based on mutual respect and trust, improve evaluation and incentive systems and construct the harmonious cultural atmosphere which encourages innovation, mutual cooperation and fair competition, so that core competence of university research teams can be enhanced to achieve breakthrough.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】G644
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】371

