

【作者】 祝云赛

【导师】 章培恒; 谈蓓芳;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国文学古今演变, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 清末民初中国文学古今演变之际,言情小说一度呈独领风骚之势,并初步完成了古代小说向现代小说的过渡,成为现代通俗小说的重要品种。在这一过程中,根植于传统的类型意识扮演了重要角色。中国古代言情小说传统包括了“三言二拍”的部分篇目、才子佳人小说、《红楼梦》、《花月痕》等具有广泛影响的作品。清末民初作者、读者和批评家对类型的自觉促使他们体认、承继与改造言情小说传统,使之成为一种现代小说类型的文学资源。另一方面,当时小说的创作和传播以报刊为中心,这不仅改变了作品发表方式,也构造了新的“作者-作品-读者”关系。报刊媒体与小说创作二者的互动,形成了传统转化的情境与动力。本文以1901-1917年间的报刊言情小说为考察对象,在掌握文本的基础上,结合相应的报刊史、文学史研究,分析报刊与小说结合的成因与过程,探讨编者、作者与读者对报刊言情小说兴起的历史过程所发生的影响,并以言情小说传统的创造性转化为线索,审视其在主题、价值观、叙事与文体等方面产生的特色与新变,阐释言情小说向现代小说类型的转化,及其历史意义所在。

【Abstract】 Romantic fiction once dominated the trend at the turn from Qing dynasty to the Republic of China during the evolution of Chinese literature from ancient to modern, and initially completed the transition from ancient novels to modern novels, taking an important place in popular fiction. In this process, the consciousness of genre fiction rooted in the fiction tradition played an important role. Chinese tradition of romantic fiction includes part of San Yan and Er Pai, Caizi-Jiaren novels, Dreams of the Red Mansion, Hua Yue Hen and other works with a wide-ranging implication. Authors, readers and critics at the turn from Qing dynasty to the ROC were conscious of genre fiction, which led to the realization, inheritance and transformation of the tradition of romantic fiction that was regarded as literature resources for a type of modern fiction. On the other hand, the creation and dissemination of novels centered in newspapers and periodicals at that time, which not only changed the way of published works, but also constructed a new "author-work-the reader"relationship. The interaction between the press media and novel formed the situation and power which supported the transformation of tradition.This thesis is on romantic fiction on newspapers and periodicals between 1901-1917. With the basis of the text and the corresponding reserach on the history of press and literature, it analyze the causes and process of the combination of novels and the press, discusses the influence of the press editors, authors and readers to the historic process of the rise of romantic fiction on newspapers and periodicals, examine characteristics and new changes of the novels on themes, values, narrative, style or other aspects for clue to the creative transformation of the tradition of romantic fiction, and then explains the transformation to a type of modern fiction as well as its historical significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】505

