

【作者】 熊幸立

【导师】 陈引驰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 梁启超前半生的主要志业就是“以言论造成一种理想的政治人物”,情感刺激是主要手段。他所谓的情感实际上就是维新派人士强调的“心力”,包括现代语境下的“情感”、“意志”、“欲望”、“愿望”等内涵。梁启超充分认识到非理性的情感、意志等在人类心理结构中的重要性,故“新民”不单是知识上的启蒙,也是情感上的陶养,而这种陶养主要体现在对“心力”的强调。本文的第一章论述了维新派的心力观及梁启超心中具足心力的豪杰的人格理想。梁启超认为艺术是情感启蒙的利器。他在《论小说与群治之关系》一文论述了小说这种作为士大夫长期不甚措意的新文体在刺激国民感情上所能起到的巨大功用。本文的第二章具体探讨了梁氏“以小说移情”的策略。梁启超认为情感的结晶是宗教。他受康有为及谭嗣同的影响,选择了“应用佛教”,取其能够磨炼人的热力,并修炼出一种博大的爱力。本文的第三章具体探讨了梁氏“以佛教炼心”的策略。梁启超有感于当时许多革命志士道德败坏,“爱国心”不纯正,故要以王学来修身养性,培养醇厚的爱国情感。本文的第四章具体探讨了梁氏“以工学修心”的策略。

【Abstract】 Liang Qichao employed art ("new novel"), Buddhism and Wang Yangming’s philosophy to enhance people’s mind power and emotions.The main course of Liang Qichao’s first half of life is to "use speeches to make a type of ideal politicians." Emotional stimulation is the principal method. The "emotion" he refers to actually is the "mind power" which the reformists emphasize a lot. It includes "emotion", "willpower", "aspiration", "desire" etc in the modern context.Liang Qichao fully recognizes the importance of the irrational emotion and willpower in the psychological construction of human beings. Therefore, "renovating the people (Xinmin) not only means the enlightment of knowledge, but also the cultivation of emotion which primarily gives expression to the emphasis of the "mind power". The first chapter deals with the reformists’conception of mind power, and the ideal personality of Liang which is called by him the hero.Liang thinks that art is an efficient instrument of the emotional enlightment. He talks about the great influence of the novel as a new literary form which can stimulate people’s emotion. The second chapter deals with Liang’s strategy of using novels to empathize.Liang believes religion is the fruit of emotion. Under the influence of Kang Youwei and Tan Sitong, he chooses the "applied Buddhism" to chasten people’s passion, and make people’s love to become broader. The third chapter deals with Liang’s strategy of using Buddhism to sharp the will.Liang feels that many revolutionaries’are corrupted morally. Thus their patriotism is not sincere. He thinks it is necessary to cultivate moral character and pure patriotism by Wang Yangming’s philosophy. The fourth chapter deals with Liang’s strategy of using Wang Yangming’s philosophy to cultivate one’s heart.

【关键词】 梁启超心力小说佛教王学
【Key words】 Liang QichaoemotionnovelBuddhismmind power
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】I206.5
  • 【下载频次】115

