

【作者】 陈程

【导师】 屈新萍; 向传义;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 集成电路工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 成盒后电测是整个TFT-LCD制程中一个重要的环节。它作为对液晶屏成盒后的第一次加电检测,可以保证在进行后续工艺前对不良品进行一次筛选,避免不良品浪费后续的耗材。本文通过研究成盒后电测信号的驱动模式,建立Switch的结构模型,并对成盒后电测与模块电测电压大小的差异分析,提出成盒后电测信号的改善方案:降低Common电压,并对其进行验证。之后重点对于Cell成盒后最主要的一大漏检——亮点进行失效模式分析,得出其可能漏检原因,提出两个改善方案:放电画面检测方案以及Gate信号修改方案,通过实际验证,确认方案的改善效果并对其进行改进。经过产线实际确认,降低Common电压与Gate信号修改方案效果明显,前者可以提高所有不良检出率约0.2%,而后者可以提高亮点检出率0.15%,预计可带来年收益75万元。

【Abstract】 The cell VT(Voltage Test) is an important step in the manufacturing process of TFT-LCD. As the first test after cell, through VT the NG products will be picked out and will lower the following unnecessary cost caused by the NG products.This thesis studies the signal of VT and establishes a model for the switch. By comparing the signal of cell VT with the module ET (Electric test), we propose a method, i.e, decreasing the common voltage is put forward. Then the thesis focuses on investigation of one of the major course of the miss sorting------highlight. First the the failure mode of the highlight was analysed and then, two methods are proposed, which are, testing of the discharge unit and the other is modifying the gate signal. The improvement brought by these two methods are confirmed by on-line test. Then the methods are further improved according to the test results.The results of on-line test shows the method of decreasing the common voltage increasing the sorting rate at about 0.2%. And the method of modifying the gate signal also increases the sorting rate at about 0.15%.

【关键词】 TFT-LCD亮点电测信号
【Key words】 TFT-LCDHighlightVTsignal
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】TN873.93
  • 【下载频次】53

