

【作者】 王成伟

【导师】 吕静;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 我国的汉字已经迈过了三千多年的历史。在这漫长的岁月中,汉字的形体曾发生过多次剧烈的变化。而其演变的原因,则是一个有意义而又不断地被探讨的课题。由于文字是应用性的工具,因此考察其使用的场合与用途是一个重要的环节,这就涉及到了汉字的载体与书写工具的问题。我们认为,文字载体与书写工具的组合对汉字形体在发展演变过程中的影响非常重大,由新的使用功能与用途而引起的新兴载体与书写工具的出现,往往是破坏汉字固有形体的契机;而在汉字形体的演进方面,它们又起到了在固定领域中对汉字独特形体的塑造作用。殷商晚期的甲骨文,通过在坚硬的甲骨上进行契刻的方式不仅形成了其独特的汉字形态特征,而且破坏了汉字的“象形”性从而对其后的汉字发展方向产生深远影响;商末西周时代的青铜器铭文象形程度不断降低,西周中期在行列整齐化的要求下汉字形体出现了整齐、方正的变化,而笔画线条化的转变则是这一时期最重要的文字现象;春秋战国时代,青铜器器身铭文的装饰化更加显著,瘦长并图案化了的铭文与纹饰、错金工艺等一起成为青铜器的装饰手段;春秋以降,随着汉字应用的不断广泛,玉石、简帛等文字载体与毛笔书写的方式逐渐兴盛,基于手写的生理机制与毛笔构造而形成的手写体点画形态,是向隶书形态演化过程中区别于线条式书写的独特现象,它同时开启了秦汉以后以汉字点画形态的塑造为主要特征的新字体的形成。笔者在文中着重于探讨形体演变的过程,同时适量地讨论了汉字字形的变化情况。在结合古今人的看法梳理了字体演变轨迹的同时,笔者也对汉字因载体与工具而呈现出来的不同特征给予了解析,对文字发展过程中的特殊现象也给予了较大的关注。

【Abstract】 The Chinese chracters has a very long history of more than three thousand years.In such a long time, it has exchanged to be many styles. Therefore, to study the cause is a meaningful and intresting subject.As a kind of applicational tools, finding out the useage of Chinese chracters in what situation or for what purpose is an important link.And obviously, that is related to the materials and tools.We think that the combination of mateials and tools is very important influencing factor in Chinese Characters’development process. Because of the appearing of new materials and tools which was accompanied by the appearing of Chinese characters’ new functions as well as new purpose,Chinese characters is sharply changed to be another style which is perfectly fitted to the new combination of mateials and tools.In the later period of Shang Dynasty, the Oracle was wrotern through the way of caving on oracle bones by knife, which not only took shape of the Chinese Characters’s distinctive feature, but also influenced its development by destroying the pictographic traits; Meanwhile in the later period of Shang Dynasty and in the Zhou Dynasty, the vast majority of Chinese Characters which was casted on the Bronzes and was named of Epigraph, sharply decreased its pictographic traits. In the middle period of Zhou Dynasty, required by the orderliness the epigraph became to be Square as well as orderliness; During the period of Spring and autumn and warring states era, the Epigraph was changed to be casted on the surface of Bronze from inside, obviously the Epigraph was influenced in the side of long and thin style by decorative patterns on the surface of Bronze;After the period of Spring and autumn as the Chinese Characters was frequently used in daily life, the materials such as the jade and stone or the bamboo and silk became frequentative material.In this paper, we are trying to discuss the clue of Chinese Characters’development process as well as the outstanding phenomenon that has to be mentioned in the process.

【关键词】 形体演变文字载体书写工具
【Key words】 form evolutionmaterialtool
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】K877.1
  • 【下载频次】439

