

【作者】 尹贞喜

【导师】 顾铮;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 广告学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 当前网络中最流行、最普及的应用非微博莫属了,微博由社交网络SNS衍生而来,是一种自主性更强、使用更便捷、影响力和渗透力更强的微型SNS。微博的发展时间不长,但是由于其独特的特质迅速集聚了巨大的人气,成为当下社会最流行、最时尚的社交网络。同时,微博已经不仅仅是一个交流信息和沟通情感的互动工具和网络平台,由于其持续高涨的人气效应使得越来越多的企业、商家和组织利用微博来进行网络营销,微博营销正逐渐成为企业青睐的营销新模式。本文以韩国twitter为研究对象,在回顾了世界各国、特别是韩国的微博发展历程的基础上,考察微博的概念、传播特性和扩散影响因素等特质;同时,根据韩国权威调研机构互联网络振兴院(KISA)的相关调研报告,分析微博背后的潜在客户群和消费群,以此作为具体的微博营销案例研究的重要基础和依据。在韩国,Twitter的应用时间不长,但是其发展速度和影响力十分惊人,利用Twitter进行营销的商家和企业也不乏成功者,本文将选取韩国国内成功利用微博进行营销的几个案例重点展开个案的研究和分析,通过具体的实例深入地探究微博营销的有效性、盈利模式、存在的问题、发展瓶颈和未来出路。最后结合营销学经典理论和案例研究分析的结果对微博营销的缺点和发展制约因素进行分析和论述,深入思考微博营销发展的未来,针对其发展的制约因素思考并提出改进措施和对策。

【Abstract】 At present, Microblog is the most popular and prevalent information exchange platform and it derived from Social Networking Services (SNS). Microblog is a kind of Micro-SNS which gives us more autonomy, more convenience, more influence compared with traditional blog. The development of Microblog is not long, however, for its special merits; it has attracted a lot of people and became the most popular, the most fashionable tool to build one’s social network. At the same time, Microblog is not only a interactive network platform for exchanging information, communication, because of its continue rising influence, more and more enterprises and businesses and organizations use Micro blog to network marketing. Microblog marketing is becoming a new model of marketing which gains the fancy enterprises.The research object of this article is the Twitter of South Korea. With the review of the world development of Microblog, especially the development in South Korea, this article exa mined the concept of Microblog, its spreading characteristics and the factors that influence its spreading. Based on the relevant study reports supplied by south korean authoritative resear ch agencies, the KISA, analysis the potential customers and consumers, and use the results g ot from the analysis as the important reference and foundation to do case study of marketing.In Korea, the use of twitter is not long, but its development and influence is very remark able. A lot of companies and enterprises gained success by using twitter to marketing. This art icle will select several important cases in which the user gained great success in using Microb log marketing to study and analysis, in order to find out the effectiveness,the pattern of profit gaining, the problem, the bottleneck and the future of Microblog Marketing.At last, this article integrated the classical theory of marketing with the research result, analysis the advantage and disadvantage of Microblog Marketing and the factors that constrain the development of Microblog Marketing. (And pond the future of Microblog Marketing).In order to conquer the "constraining factors", proposed the improvement measures and countermeasures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】F274;F49
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】5000

