

【作者】 陈伊

【导师】 严锋;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以宇文所安的两篇论文《什么是世界诗歌?》《进与退:“世界诗歌”的问题和可能性》为出发点,就北岛的个案为基础,来讨论中国当代诗歌的跨语际实践。利用比较文学视域下的“翻译研究”,来关照北岛诗歌的可译性和翻译背后的文化逻辑。除此之外,笔者也希望通过对翻译研究的讨论提供一些新的世界文学的模型,并且探讨新时代里“世界文学”的问题和可能性。本文共分为两章。第一章主要涉及北岛英译的概况和实践。第一节是北岛诗歌英译的概况。第二节通过文本细读对北岛诗歌的汉语原作和英译做一个感性的认识,关注翻译过程中保留了什么,丢掉了什么,以及什么被误译了。第二章将目光被放在了“译者的主体性”对北岛诗歌英译的影响上,以揭示翻译背后的一些文化逻辑。第三章在世界文学的宏观角度下讨论北岛诗歌的英译。第一节以翻译研究——主要是勒菲弗尔的“改写”理论和韦努蒂的“翻译的主体性”来测绘北岛诗是怎样进入一个世界文学体系的。第二节分析宇文所安静态的“世界文学”观念,并指出他的局限性。论文的结论部分结合莫莱蒂和达姆罗什对于世界文学的建构,重新审视中国当代文学在世界文学里的位置,并提供一些新的文学的可能性。

【Abstract】 Bei Dao is the contemporary Chinese poet most widely translated in the West, and has been fortunate in his English-language translators:The August Sleepwalker(\990) and Old Snow (1991) translated by Bonnie S. McDougall; Forms of Distance(\994) and Landscape Over Zero (1996) translated by David Hinton; Unlock (2000) translated by Eliot Weinberger and Endure:Poems by Bei Dao (2010) translated by Clayton Eshleman and Lucas Klein.Nowadays, People around the world have different ideas about Bei Dao and his poems. Some Western critics have charged that this is a kind of airport poetry, written for translation in an easily digestible, international style. On the other hand, there are Chinese critics who maintain that where his work once spole directly to the people——yesterday’s obscurity has apparently become today’s transparency——it is now deliberately difficult in order to appeal to sophisticated Western poetry-readers. The argument, again, is that his writing for translation.In the first and sencond chapter, I would like to specify how these translations exhibit and change Bei Dao’s work. Have they helped Bei Dao to establish his place in today’s World Literature? Is there something concerning cultural logic behind all these translations? I hope I could offer some answers for some of the often-heard criticism of Bei Dao as an "un-Chinese" poet and argues for a context of postcoloniality and transnationalism within which to place BeiDao and his poetry. In the third chapter, I would like to discuss the idea of place and belonging as related to making of Bei Dao’s emerging transnational identity that is both culturally and territorially non-specify. In Conclusion, with the helf of David Damrosch and Franco Moretti, I would provide some new concept of World Literature and find out how contemporary Chinese Literature adapt to this "World Literature"

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【下载频次】393

