

【作者】 陈以金

【导师】 戴伟辉;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 项目管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国工业化进程的不断加快,制造业已经成为国民经济的最重要支柱之一,电子制造业作为我国的制造业的一个主导产业,正面临着日趋激烈的竞争。供应链优化已经成为提高企业竞争能力的重要手段,而准确的仓储管理则是供应链优化的前提和基础保障。电子制造业的仓储有着物料状态多、品种多、库存区域划分复杂、库存交易量大且交易类型复杂、部分物料对环境有特殊要求等特点,这些特点使得电子制造业的仓储管理面临巨大的挑战。基于环境感知的电子制造业仓储管理系统通过环境感知技术的运用,帮助仓库高效、可靠的存储物料,提供实时、准确的仓储信。本文首先分析了环境感知技术在各个行业特别是仓储管理行业的运用现状,然后根据国内外的研究成果指出目前电子制造业仓储管理信息化中的不足。在此基础上,运用环境感知技术中的RFID技术和无线传感器网络技术,提出了具有环境感知能力的高效准确的电子制造业仓储管理系统,并对整个系统进行了详细的设计。同时针对该系统的技术新且复杂的特点,对该系统在具体企业实现过程中可能遇到的项目风险进行了定性分析并给出了应对措施。本文的研究成果为电子制造企业实现高效、准确的仓储管理系统提供了可靠的系统模型和参考实例,为系统的进一步发展提出了发展方向。本文的选题及研究内容来自导师所承担的2008年国家863课题(No.2008AA04Z127)“移动环境下的企业集成新技术”。

【Abstract】 With the continuous advance of China’s industrialization process, manufacturing has become one of the most important pillar industries in national economy, as a core manufacturing industry electronics manufacturing face to fast-growing competitions. The optimized supply chain has become an important method in improving competitiveness, and the correct information of warehouse transactions is the bases of supply chain optimization. The warehousing management of electronics manufacturing has its own special characters, such as huge number of items, many kind of item status, a lot of stock areas, complex transactions, and some items have special requirements on the stock environment. These characters make the electronic manufacturing industry facing big challenges in warehousing management.Context-awareness based warehousing management system helps warehouse team to management the warehouse effectively and exactly through the context-awareness technologies.This thesis concludes the studies of history, and analyzes the current status of context-awareness usage of late fields especially in warehousing management filed, and point out the disadvantage of traditional electronic manufacturing industry warehousing management system. Then creation a new context-awareness based warehousing management system which integrated with RFID and wireless sensor network technologies together to management the warehouse more effectively and exactly.This thesis shows the detail design of the context-awareness based electronic manufacturing industry warehousing management system and the risk analyze of system develop and implementation.As shown above, this these focus on creation a reference model of context-awareness based warehousing management system to helps warehouse team management the warehouse effectively and exactly.The research is supported by the 2008 National 863 project names "Enterprise integration of new technologies in Mobile environment". (No. 2008AA04Z127).

【关键词】 环境感知RFID传感器网络仓储
【Key words】 Context- AwarenessRFIDSensor networkWarehousing
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】169

