

【作者】 范氏红明

【导师】 彭增安;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 对外汉语教学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 中国作为一个文明古国,自古以来不断地给越南带来全面而又深刻的影响,其中最大的影响表现在语言上。汉语与文字早在秦汉时期就己传入越南。经过两千年的历史,汉字以及汉语词语在被越南语接纳和改变之后,演变成中越语言交流的见证和结晶——汉越词。汉越词占越南语总量的60%以上,成为越南语不可缺少的组成部分。这特征使越南学生学习汉语时因受到母语的影响而在汉语作为第二语言学习中具有特别的优势。但也正因为汉越词语在越南语已经被越化跟对应的汉语词语有所不同,给越南学生学习汉语时造成了理解和运用上的偏误。自从中越外交正常化以来,汉语一直是越南人热爱学习的外语之一。在学习、教学以及编写汉语教材、词典的过程中,怎样才能使学习者充分地利用汉越词的特点来提高学习效率,而又不会因为过分依赖而陷入汉越词所给的隐形陷阱呢?这是一个值得重视的问题。本文在前人研究汉越词的基础上,以对比分析理论及中介语理论为支撑,用对比分析及偏误分析为研究方法,通过对汉越语言特征的对比和在教学中遇到的偏误实例说明越南学生学习和使用汉语时其母语带来的正迁移和负迁移问题,进而探讨如何在对越南汉语教学中有效运用正迁移,避免和纠正负迁移,从而达到更好的教学效果。

【Abstract】 China, as one of great civilizations in human history, has created a comprehensive and profound influence to Vietnam from ancient times up to now. The most importance is about the language aspect. The Chinese characters and documents were introduced into Vietnam for more than 2000 years since the Qin and Han dynasties. A large amount of Chinese words was adapted together with the Vietnamese vocabulary system, through the assimilation and evolution; they became Chinese loan words which are frequently used nowadays in Vietnam. It is the evidence of the language collaboration between the two cultures, Vietnam and China. The Chinese loan words, which held more than 60 percent of the whole Vietnamese vocabulary, became an indispensable part in the Vietnamese words’structure. Consequently, the Vietnamese students, who learn Chinese, have the special advantage when compared to others. But due to the fact that the Chinese loan words are Vietnamized, the meaning of the words are sometimes not actually the same with the original ones, so that the Vietnamese students may misunderstand and incorrectly apply the Chinese words during their study.Since the normalization of the relationship between China and Vietnam, Chinese is always one of the most favorite foreign languages in Vietnam. During the teaching as well as the curriculum compiling, the most important task is not only to take the advantages of the Chinese loan words characteristics but also not to be caught in the invisible trap from those advantages.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】H44;H136
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】437

