

【作者】 贺嘉洁

【导师】 朱明权;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际关系, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 尽管对于妇女的战时性暴力由来已久,但直到20世纪90年代国际社会才开始认识到除了被作为战利品以外,性暴力有时候也能被当作战争工具来使用。冷战后的族群战争就是其中最为显著的一例。“用作战争武器的性暴力”是指一方的武装团体针对敌对群体的平民所实施的具有系统性、普遍性,并经过正式策划的性暴力。这种暴力并不是随机的行为,而是作为一项有意识的政策被广泛地执行。这就意味着在特定的背景下,性暴力是一个政治事件,是军事和民族主义议程的一部分。在冷战后的族群战争中,性暴力的工具性主要体现在它经常被国家或非国家的族群武装团体视作清洗和灭绝敌对族群的有力手段:一方面,它是实现强制驱逐的一种方式,能够迫使生活在某一地区的敌对族群人口为躲避一再发生的性暴力而背井离乡;另一方而,它也能改造族群的文化精神和血缘肉体,不仅起到破坏敌对族群成员的家庭和社区结构、打击其民族精神和士气的作用,而且还能阻止族群内生育,并在敌对族群人口内部传播艾滋病及其他性传播疾病。尽管性暴力的实施者多是族群武装团体中的普通武装分子,但将其用作战争武器的主要策划者和获益者却是族群精英。这背后的原因主要有两点:其一,冷战后族群战争爆发的背景使得身份建构的重要性变得异常突出,而性暴力能同时影响到敌对双方族群身份的建构——强化施暴族群的认同并破坏受害族群的身份,因此对族群精英来说其使用具有极大的杀伤力;其二,性暴力能给那些缺乏系统军事训练的普通族群成员带来较高的物质回报和较低的战争风险,于是也被族群精英利用来鼓励更多追随者加入武装冲突,从而推动战争不断扩大和升级,并在这个过程中攫取权力、财富和对领土的控制。发生在90年代初的波黑内战以及目前仍在刚果(金)东部基伍地区蔓延的图西-胡图族群武装冲突是冷战后族群战争的代表,也是对妇女的性暴力被广泛用作战争武器的典型案例。其中的性暴力不仅在数量上触目惊心,而且其残暴程度和背后的战争目的已经引起了国际社会的广泛关注。本文正是结合了这两个案例,来揭示被作为战争武器的性暴力的特征以及族群精英在背后扮演的角色。

【Abstract】 In spite of long history, wartime sexual violence against women was never recognized as a weapon of war until 1990s. In most cases, it was only regarded as an inevitable side effect of war and thus drew little attention to its seriousness and importance. In post cold war era, more and more wartime sexual violence was revealed extremely brutal and even entailing some strategic purposes. It is only then that the prevalence of such atrocities became an issue in both academia and civil society. Among all of the related cases, sexual violence in post cold war ethnic conflicts are undoubtedly the most prominent ones."Rape as a weapon of war" refers to sexual violence as having a systematic, pervasive, and officially orchestrated aspect, emphasising that rapes are not random acts, but appear to be carried out as deliberate policy. It is a claim that rape, in some contexts is a "political event", located within militaristic or nationalist agendas and requiring substantive analysis and action.In post cold war ethnic conflicts, the utility of sexual violence was mainly on its effectiveness as a means of ethnic cleansing and genocide:on one hand, it can be employed as a tool of forced expulsion, which coerces the innocent civilians to leave their homeland and avoid the recurring humiliation and misery; on the other hand, it may also reshape the cultural spirit and ethnic make-up of the next generation of the targeted group, which not only destroys the social structure and resistance morale of ethnic rivals, but also prohibits the intra-ethnic propagation and spreads HIV and other STD (sexually transmitted diseases) in hostile group.Although the inflicters of most sexual violence are ordinary militants in armed groups, the real planners and beneficiaries of such atrocities are ethnic elites. Two reasons may explain their intentions. First, the timing and conditions of these ethnic wars emphasize the importance of identity construction, which can be easily fulfilled through sexual violence. Also, the high return yet low risk of sexual violence is attractive to those elites, which can be adopted to encourage more ethnic followers never receiving professional military training to join in the hostilities and thus facilitate the escalation and extension of conflicts.It is reasonable to consider the civil war of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the continuing Hutu-Tutsi ethnic conflicts in Kivu areas of DRC as representatives of post cold war ethnic conflicts. In both cases, not only is the number of victims of sexual violence startling, but also the brutal nature and the entailing purposes behind the atrocities have been concerned by the international community. The following thesis tries to make clear of the characteristics of such weaponalized sexual violence and show the roles played by the ethnic elites in these humanitarian tragedies.

【关键词】 族群战争妇女性暴力战争武器
【Key words】 ethnic warwomensexual violenceweapon of war
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】E0-05
  • 【下载频次】224

