

【作者】 钟晓颖

【导师】 张乃根;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 美国最高法院对于“比尔斯基案”的最新判决又一次在商业方法专利领域引起了波澜。可获得专利主题是专利法领域的最重要的范畴之一。美国为适应其经济发展和企业竞争的需要,不时地调整着商业方法可获得专利主题的标准.金融创新拓展和延伸了可获得专利主题的范围,同时金融创新的风险也对可获得专利主题范围的法律规制带来了新的挑战,如何适当界定商业方法专利以及金融商业方法专利的范围成为当今知识产权界的重要议题之一。商业方法专利中金融商业方法专利的保护范围在当今金融创新的大背景下显得尤为重要。笔者认为欧美等国家对于与商业方法有关的可获得专利主题范围的界定对我国与金融创新相关的专利领域而言有很大的启示,因而有必要梳理有关国际条约,各国立法及实践,并对我国专利法律法规相关制度的进一步完善提出建议。本文共分为三章。第一章介绍了可获得专利的主题的国际国内法,包括主要国际条约和美欧的国内立法及实践,其中以美国的立法和判例为详述,尤其评析了美国最高法院关于“比尔斯基案”的最新判决。第二章主要探讨了金融领域与知识产权领域的交叉互动关系,包括金融创新和专利保护的关系,并从法理学、社会学、经济学的角度分析研究专利保护范围的平衡问题,并结合历史和现实考量专利保护范围的利益平衡问题。第三章着眼于我国商业方法专利保护的现行法律法规以及行业现状,尤其针对金融领域银行业的情况进行研究,结合金融监管法律法规的分析,以最近一次的专利法修改为背景对我国专利法律法规的完善提出了相关立法建议。

【Abstract】 The latest judgment by the Supreme Court of United States on the Bilski case has a great impact in the field of business method patent. The patentable subject matter is one of the most important aspects in patent filed. United States has been changing its policy for the pateniable subject matter of business method in order to cater its national economic development and the need of domestic enterprises.Financial innovation has extended the scope of the patentable subject matter of business method; while increasing the risk of financial innovations with challenges to the legal regulations on this matter. How to properly define the scope of business method patent, in particular, regarding financial patent, has become an essential topic in today’s world. Financial patent, as a type of business method patent, is becoming more and more important in today’s world with financial innovation as its background. The author thinks that the legislation and practice in United States and EU in this filed can enlighten the practice in China. Therefore it is necessary to study the international convention and the legislation and practice in different countries, so as to give some advice on the amendment of China’s patent law based on the study.This dissertation is composed of three chapters. Chapter one introduces the international and domestic laws on patentable subject matter, which include the major international conventions and domestic laws and practices in US and EU focusing on the analysis of the latest Bilski case in US. Chapter two discusses the relationship between financial filed and intellectual property right, especially the relationship between financial innovation and patent protection, and further explores the balancing issue of patent protection from aspects of jurisprudence, sociology and economics based on historical and realistic analysis. Finally, Chapter three focuses on the business method patent protection in China, analyzing the existing laws and industrial practice in banking filed and trying to make some comments on the further amendments of patent laws and regulations in China based on the 2008 amendment of China’s patent law, together with the analysis of the financial regulation aspect in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】D997.1;F204
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】125

