

【作者】 薛珺

【导师】 吴本;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 旅游管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游饭店业是现代服务业的重要组成部分,是我国旅游产业的核心要素,具有综合价值高、就业吸纳能力强、产业关联度大等特点。国家“十二五”规划把旅游业培育成战略性新兴产业。旅游饭店业是旅游产业的重要环节。为了更好服务2010年上海世博会,做好住宿接待服务工作,上海及周边城市都兴建了大量的旅游饭店设施。这些旅游饭店的建设一方面提高了上海地区接待能力,提升了服务水平,另一方面,也使得旅游饭店行业内竞争加剧,各个饭店面临着清晰定位,在更加激烈的市场竞争中寻找新的发展机会的严峻形势。本研究运用产业经济学中的“结构-行为-绩效”(SCP)理论,分析上海浦东新区内的旅游饭店业的市场结构、市场主体行为及经营绩效;同时,深入探讨了世博会对浦东新区旅游饭店业的影响,并在此基础上研究了浦东新区旅游饭店业在世博会后的发展中所面临的机遇与挑战。面临的机遇主要包括:上海市旅游业“十二五”规划为旅游饭店业带来政策利好;迪士尼的建设和世博场馆的持续开放会浦东促进浦东旅游业发展;后世博的品牌效应和余温犹在;国际知名品牌旅游饭店的进入,提高浦东旅游饭店业的等级,促进集群化发展。带来的挑战主要有:后世博的低谷效应;其他县区的高速发展,浦东新区旅游饭店业的优势被弱化;核心区域地价成本攀升,提高运营成本,面临价格挑战。在充分总结奥运会后北京旅游饭店业的发展的经验与启示后,提出了针对世博会后浦东新区旅游饭店业发展的战略措施。从政府角度:要提升浦东新区旅游产业的定位;加强信息纰漏,完善投资税收政策,发挥信息和税收在投资中的引导作用;优化旅游饭店的等级和类型结构,促进多元化平衡发展;优化旅游会展产业和旅游饭店业布局,使旅游饭店业的发展服务于浦东新区旅游会展业;加强法规标准和信用体系建设,促进旅游饭店业规范发展;利用世博平台,完善浦东新区影响推广机制。从旅游饭店企业角度:要做到定位差异化和服务细节化;要向集团化和品牌化发展;要借助后世博效应,突出国际化和节事化营销;要大力培养旅游饭店业人才,尤其是高层次管理人才;要将旅游饭店业发展纳入旅游业发展战略,推进与旅游和会展的联动发展,辅助完善浦东新区的旅游会展功能。本研究对明确上海浦东新区旅游饭店业的发展方向,促进其健康发展,提升知名度,吸引更多的旅游者,更好地服务于上海旅游会展业的发展等都具有重要的实践意义。

【Abstract】 Tourist hotel industry is an important part of modern service industry as well as a core element of our tourism industry. It possesses characteristics of high value, high employment absorption capacity and high industry related degree. The government also decided to develop it into a strategic industry in the twelfth five-year plan.Shanghai and surrounding cities have built a large number of tourist accommodation facilities in order to better serve the World Expo. On the one hand, the construction of tourist hotels improved the reception capacity and service level; on the other hand, it also intensified the competition in tourist hotel industry. Tourist hotels faced with challenge of a clear positioning in order to find development opportunities.This paper analyzed market structure, conduct and performance of Pudong tourist hotel industry based on "structure - conduct - performance" (SCP) theory. At the same time, this paper further explored the influence of World Expo on Pudong Tourism hotel industry, demonstrated the opportunities and challenges Pudong tourist hotel industry faced. The opportunities include:Shanghai twelfth five-year plan plan ensured the dominant position of tourist industry, the construction of Disney can boost the development of Pudong tourism, the effect brought by Shanghai World Expo can still last for a long time and lots of international brands’ join in Pudong tourist hotel industry can improve the service level of Pudong hotel industry as well as promote cluster development. At the same time, the Challenges are:the low effect after the World Expo, other regions’development weakened the advantages of Pudong tourist hotel industry and the increasing operating costs.After that this paper used Beijing tourism hotel industry after Olympics as an example, put forward some strategic measures for Pudong tourist hotel industry. As for the government, it should improve the investment tax policy, enhance the positioning of the tourism hotel industry in Pudong Area, and optimize the structure of tourist hotel industry. At the same time, Pudong tourist hotel industry should also work hard on its problems. Make sure there are differentiations in positioning, improve hotel cluster and brand development, prominent international and festival marketing, and improve the tourism and convention functions.This paper has profound meaning for Shanghai Pudong in that it represented a clear direction of the development of tourist hotel industry. It can promote its healthy development, enhance reputation and attract more tourists, better serve the regional development in the future.

【关键词】 旅游饭店业浦东新区后世博SCP
【Key words】 tourism hotel industryPudong New Areapost-ExpoSCP
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】F719
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】270

