

【作者】 戴征

【导师】 段匡;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国2007年颁布实行的《物权法》第六章中首次将业主的建筑物区分所有权作为一种所有权类型固定下来,这体现了对一般民众财产权利的保护精神,这也是对我国二十多年来城镇住房商品化改革成果的法律保障。同年10月1日,新修改的《物业管理条例》也开始正式实施,新条例充分尊重了业主的合法权益,进一步明确、规范了业主大会和业主委员会的职责;进一步体现了对业主合法权益的保护;在强调对业主权益保护的同时,也进一步规范了物权人和物业服务企业的权利、义务和责任。然而由于物业管理制度在我国发展的时间并不长,所以还存在着相关法律、法规不健全、制度的缺失、监管的不力、保护不充分等许多问题。业主权利经常受到来自其他业主以及处于强势地位的开发商、物业服务企业甚至政府部门的侵害。所以本文的目的是在充分认识业主权利的基础上,以我国调整业主权利的两部最主要的实体法:《物权法》和《物业管理条例》为法律根据,对业主权利的保护提出一些自己的看法。第一章主要是关于业主权利的概述。首先,对业主权利的享有者即业主及其范围进作了简要的说明。其次,明确了业主权利的定义以及所包含的具体内容。最后,将我国现行法律中对业主权利的相关规定进行了梳理,并从积极作用和法律缺陷两个方面对其在业主权利保护上的效果做了分析。第二章则分析了业主权利所主要面临的侵害类型。对侵犯业主权利的主体做了类型化的归纳和列举,并对其表现的形式予以说明。第三章将用专章介绍业主在权利受到侵害时,所具有的诉权以及可以采取的法律救济措施。在文章的最后一部分,作者在总结前文的基础上对业主权利保护制度的完善补充了一些自己的想法。

【Abstract】 The condominium ownership was firstly specified as a type of ownership under the Real Property Law promulgated in and taken effects as of 2007, which expresses the legal spirit to protect the property of ordinary people. At the same time, such condominium ownership also is a legal guarantee for the fruit of the commercialized urban housing reform for the past twenty years. On October 1,2007, the amended Property Management Regulations also came to effect. The new regulation fully respects the owner’s legal interests, and further identifies and regulates the responsibilities of the assembly of owners and the committee of owners. Besides, it also emphasizes on the protection of the legal interests of owner and formalizes the rights, obligations and duties of both owners and property service enterprises at the same time.However, as it has not been long since the property management structure been introduced in our country, there are still pending issues such as inadequacy of law and regulations, lack of rules, weakness of supervisory and insufficiency of protection etc. The owners’ rights are always infringed from all aspects, especially from the developer, the property service enterprises, and even the government who are not in arm’s length with the owner. The purpose of this thesis is to give some practicable suggestion to protect the owners’rights based on full acknowledgement of the owners’ rights.Chapter I mainly introduced the owners’ rights. Firstly, I made a simple explanation about the owner who is entitled to have the owner’s right and the scope of his right. Secondly, I gave the definition of the owner and the specific contents of the owners’ right. In the last part of this chapter, I collected and verified the current valid regulations on the owner’s right. And I discussed the effects of current regulations on the protection of the owner’s right. This part analyzed the advantage and disadvantage of such regulations. ChapterⅡclassified the types of infringement on owner’s right, especially identifying the subjects who initiate infringements of the owner’s right and the actions taken. ChapterⅢfocused on the owner’s remedies when owner’s rights were infringed. In the last part of this thesis, I gave several practicable suggestions on the improvement of the protection system to the owner’s right based by summarizing previous parts of my thesis.

【关键词】 业主业主权利法律救济
【Key words】 ownerowner’s rightslegal remedy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D923.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】204

