

【作者】 徐春卯

【导师】 韩蒙; 李仁全;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 高校信息化是高等教育现代化的需要。随着科学技术的不断发展,信息技术将引发高等教育的巨大变革,高等学校要真正步入经济、社会发展的中心舞台。为了发挥“新世界经济发展火车头”的作用,就必须加快构筑与现代化教育相适应的信息化体系,确保教学、科研和社会服务三大功能的有效发挥。这是高校改革和发展的一项紧迫的战略任务,也是高等教育现代化的必然选择。随着高等院校的不断扩招,包括师资等各方面的硬软件设置不断地扩充,使得高校的日常工作信息量越来越大,传统的工资管理系统一般不能满足现实的发展需求。本文以此为背景,分析了国内外企事业单位信息化系统研究的历史与现状,结合四川职业技术学院的现实需求,提出了工资管理信息系统的解决方案。本文采用面向对象与结构化设计思想相结合的方法来描述软件需求、设计、实现、测试、部署过程。根据高校工资管理工作的自身特点,设计和开发了一套基于C /S与B /S混合架构的工资管理系统。重点对系统的总体网络拓扑结构设计、两种体系架构的内容及系统实现中的安全策略做了详细的分析和论述。本系统的功能基本上涵盖了工资管理的各个环节,同时借助功能强大的查询及报表功能使用户能及时、准确地了解所需信息。用户也可以自由地定义工资结构,即使工资的结构发生了变化,仍可以保持所选工资项的前后一致性。基于这种柔性的工资结构,用户可以指定任何一个工资项进行维护操作,操作方便、简单。实现了工资的自动核算功能,能够满足用户个性化定制、高校部门信息共享、校区办公协同与数据同步。在系统的开发与实现阶段,采用了MVC设计模式,并利用软件复用与软件构件技术,避免了重复性的劳动,提高了软件开发的效率和质量。通过系统各功能模块的单元测试与集成测试,整个系统的运行状况良好,并投入使用。该系统的设计与开发对于提升高校的信息化管理水平将起到极大的推动作用。

【Abstract】 University information system is the need for modernization of higher education. With the development of science and technology, information technology will lead to great changes in higher education, and the universities will step into the center stage which the development of the economic and social. In order to play the role of new world economic development engine, we must speed up to build the information systemwhich compared with the modern education, and ensure the teaching, research and social service functions effectively. This is the Reform and the Development of a pressing strategic task, but also is an inevitable choice for modern higher education. With the continuous enrollments of the universities, including teachers and other aspects of hardware and software continue to expand the set, the information amount increases largely, and the traditional salary management system generally can not meet the development needs of reality. This thesis is based on this era background. Fist, it analyzes the development of information management and the technique of system, compared with the practical need of the Sichuan Vocational and Technical College, and proposed salary management information system solution. In this paper, object-oriented design and structured method has been combined to describe software requirements, design, implementation, testing, and deployment. According to the features of the work of colleges and universities’ salary management, a salary management system of colleges and universities based on C/S and B/S hybrid architecture is designed and developed. The functions of the system cover the various aspects salary management. With the help of powerful query and reporting, the users can promptly and accurately acquire the information what they inquire. Even if the wage structure has changed, the system can still maintain the consistency of the selected salary items. Based on this flexible wage structure, the users can specify any of the wage items for maintenance operations. The system can calculate wages automatically, so this system can meet the users’ need of individuation design, information, cooperation between areas, diversity wages management and so on. In system development and implementation phases, the MVC design pattern and software reuse and software component technology has been used, which offers a solution to eliminate repeated work and improves efficiency and quality in the software development. Through the system unit testing and integration testing, the whole system runs well and has put into use. The system design and development to enhance the university’s information management will play a significant role in promoting.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】143

