

【作者】 韩录林

【导师】 向艳萍; 郝利顺;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 矿业安全防范管理系统是视频监控防范管理的一个典型实例,与传统防范管理相比,视频监控是一种全新的防范模式。它可以突破时间和空间的限制,通过电子地图随时随地帮助安保人员清晰了解需要防范区域及锁定任何局部目标,让更多的不必要的损失降到最低限度。视频防范既具有开放性、协作性和自主性等特点,又具有异步性、集成性和大容量等优势。因此论文从当前安全的实际情况出发,经过对有关盗窃,生产事项的分析,在安保人员对安全需求的分析基础上,共同确立了安全防范系统,并阐述各模块的结构设计和功能设计,本人参与了系统的方案设计、安装、调试、验收。设计主要包括管理系统详细设计过程、系统设计的应用管理模块实现、系统测试报告。

【Abstract】 Mining safety management system is the management of video surveillance to prevent a typical example, as compared with traditional guarding against management, video surveillance is a new model of prevention. It can break through time and space constraints, anytime, anywhere through electronic map to help security personnel a clear understanding of the need to guard against regional and local goals of any lock, so that more unnecessary losses minimized.Video prevent both the openness, collaboration and the characteristics of autonomy, but also has asynchronous nature of integration and large-capacity and other advantages. We therefore safe from the current actual situation, after the theft, the analysis of production issues, the grantor in an analysis of security requirements, we established a common security system, and described the structure of each module is responsible for the design and function design . This design include the detailed design of the course management system, system design to achieve the application man agement module, the system test report.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】39

