

【作者】 王李均

【导师】 皮亦鸣; 黄真;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 杭州市江干区正处于城市化快速推进的阶段,随着钱江新城、铁路枢纽和地铁等大项目的启动,征地拆迁工作大规模开展,拆迁户急剧增加。征地拆迁是一项“民心工程”,其最终目的是为加快城市建设,改善村民居住条件。由于拆迁安置房建设需要一定的周期,在区域范围内无法及时建成一定规模的安置房,以致成千上万的拆迁户在外过渡。拆迁安置管理工作作为征地拆迁工作的重要部分,一直是政府部门和各责任主体高度重视环节。但在实际工作中,长期以来存在的文档管理模式,使拆迁户信息化管理的思路并没有得到真正实现,市场上也并未出现相关的应用软件。鉴于这种趋势,本人所在的单位为使拆迁安置管理工作逐步适应信息化管理,提高工作效率,开发了一个涵盖拆迁统计、拆迁管理、安置管理、新闻通告和文件管理等相关环节,并与全区拆迁户数据保持一致的信息管理系统。本系统的开发主要包含以下几项工作:1)系统需求分析和制定系统开发计划。充分调研拆迁安置信息化管理需求,明确系统开发目标,开展可行性分析、成本估计、效益分析和风险评价等工作,最后根据实际情况制定系统开发计划和进程。2)确定开发技术、工具等。结合需求分析结果和对各类开发技术优缺点比较后,最终确定采用B/S(Browsers/ Web Server/ Database Servers)三层体系结构,结合MVC(Model-View-Controller)模式,基于Struts + Hibernate框架整合和J2EE技术的开发模式。3)完成系统设计。概要设计拆迁安置办公室信息管理系统,详细设计拆迁统计、拆迁管理、安置管理、新闻通告和文件管理等功能模块。4)实现拆迁安置信息管理系统。实现数据库、系统架构和业务逻辑设计,实现拆迁户信息添加、删除、查询、修改、审核、统计、下载和打印等功能。5)进行系统测试。采用黑盒测试方法对系统进行功能测试。本系统通过基本的系统测试和一段时间的试运行,运行状况总体平稳,实现的功能基本满足系统开发目标,明显的改善了日常管理的基础环境,提高了工作效率和质量,推进了无纸化办公进程,节约了办公资源和管理成本。

【Abstract】 Hangzhou Janggan district is in the stage of urbanization rapidly. The start of large projects such as Qianjiang new town, railway hub and underground etc. And large-scale unfolds of land acquisition and resettlement. These lead the households increase rapidly. Land acquisition and resettlement is a project corresponding to popular aspirations, the ultimate purple is to accelerate the speed of urban construction and improve people’s living condition. Since the construction of resettlement housing requires a certain period of time, and in the region can not be completed within a certain amount of replacement housing, so that tens of thousands households have to transition outside. Resettlement management work as an important part of land acquisition and resettlement, this work has been the high priority areas of government departments and main responsibilities. However, in practice, long existence of document management model does not realize the idea of households’information management. And related software does not appear in the market.In view of this trend, the author’s working company develops a information management system contains related links such as remove statistics, remove management, install management, news announcement and document management, and consistent the region’s households’date, in order to make the resettlement management work adapted to the information management gradually and improve work efficiency.The system development mainly include following works:1 ) System demand analysis and formulate development plan. Sufficient investigation the need of the resettlement information management, explicit system develop target, feasibility analysis, cost estimates, benefit analysis and risk assessment works. Then formulate system development plan and progress according to real situation.2)Confirm development technology, instruments etc. combine the result of need analysis and compare the advantages and disadvantages of various types of technology, ultimate determine to use B/S(Browsers/ Web Server/ Database Servers)three layers architecture, and combine MVC (Model-View-Controller) model, based on Struts + Hibernate framework integration and J2EE technology development model.3) Accomplish system design. Preliminary design resettlement office information management system, detailed design remove statistics, remove management, install management, news announcement and document management functional module.4)Realize resettlement information management system. Realize date library, system architecture and business logic design, realize households information’s append, delete, inquire, modification, examine, statistics, download and print function.5)Pilot testing. To test the system’s function by using the black-box testing. This system through essential system testing and a period time of test run, the running state ensemble stately. The function essential complete the target of system development, it improves the basic environment of daily management obviously, enhances the work efficiency and quality,

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】131

