

【作者】 李臻

【导师】 高正平; 李光辉;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 高校校园网络随着计算机网络技术的高速发展,已逐步渗透到高校人群学习、工作和生活的方方面面,成为必不可少的交流和资源共享平台。与此同时,高校校园网络管理的重要性也不断加强。随着网络用户不断增多,网络规模日渐扩大,网络结构日趋复杂,网络应用逐步多元化,人们对网络管理的要求也越来越高。及时诊断、处理和解决校园网络故障,保证计算机网络的安全、可靠、稳定运行已成为一个极其重要的课题。目前,高校校园网络管理部门普遍存在人员编制不足的问题,而在网络故障日常管理工作中,因为用户故障事件申报和问题种类繁多,数量巨大,完成问题解决和解答占用了大量的人力资源。如果运用信息检索、问答和文本挖掘技术对这些以文本形式呈现的用户申报和问题加以分析和利用,就可以提取蕴含其中的大量有用信息;同时将高校中成千上万的高素质网络用户有效地组织起来,协同网络管理员参与网络故障管理,就可以实现网络故障管理的自动化和智能化,从而有效提高人员配置效率,更好地为校园网络服务,为学校服务,为用户自己服务。通过智能化高校校园网络故障管理系统的构建,可有效优化网络故障管理工作流程,让广大高素质高校用户同步参与校园网络故障管理,减轻网络管理员工作量,从而实现工作效率实质上的提升。本文研究目标就是设计、开发出一个适于云南师范大学校园网络管理的基于Web的问答模式用户自助网络故障管理系统,主要研究成果工作如下:结合高校校园网特点、数字化校园建设需求和网络故障管理工作特点,研究、分析和归纳了校园网络故障事件申报流程和解决流程。通过研究和应用信息检索技术、数据仓库技术、问答技术、文本挖掘技术、文本关联规则技术和词频统计等技术,设计、实现了云南师范大学校园网络故障管理用户自助排查系统。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of computer network technology, Campus Network has gradually penetrated into College crowd’s work and all aspects of life, become an essential communication and resource sharing platform. At the same time, the importance of managing campus network also been strengthened. With the growing number of Internet users, the network grew larger in scope, the growing complexity of network structure, network application gradually diversified people on the network management requirements are also increasing. Timely diagnosis, treatment and resolution of the campus network failure, ensure the security of computer networks, reliable, stable operation has become an extremely important issue.Currently, the universality of the Campus Network Management exists to the problem of inadequate staffing. Because the user network fault event reporting and a wide range of issues, and a huge amount of work in the daily management of a network failure, the network administrator to complete problem solving and answers take a lot of human resources. If the use of information retrieval, text mining and question and answer form of text presented on these declarations and the problems of users for analysis and use, we can extract which contains lots of useful information; the same time, tens of thousands of high-quality university network users in Effectively organized, collaborative network administrator in network fault management, we can achieve network fault management automation and intelligence to improve staffing efficiency, better services for the campus network for school services, services for the user .Campus Building intelligent network fault management system can effectively optimize network fault management workflow, so that the majority of users simultaneously participate in high-quality university campus network fault management, reduce the workload of network administrators in order to achieve substantial productivity improvement.This research goal is to design, develop a network management for the campus of Yunnan Normal University Q & A mode of Web-based user self-service network fault management system, the main results are as follows:I combine the characteristics of campus networks, digital campus building needs and characteristics of network fault management, research, analysis and summary of the campus network fault event reporting process and resolution processes. Through research and application of information retrieval technology, data warehouse, Q & A technology, text mining, text technology and word frequency association rules such as technology, design, implementation, Yunnan Normal University campus network fault management, user self-investigation system.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】51

