

【作者】 曹洪波

【导师】 黄大贵;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 伺服驱动系统是精密卧式加工中心的重要组成部分,其性能的好坏直接影响着机床的加工精度。目前许多机床厂都会遇到伺服驱动系统优化方面的种种问题和困难,笔者在结合国家“高档数控机床与基础制造装备”科技重大专项子课题“精密卧式加工中心伺服驱动优化”实际项目的情况下,以优化机床伺服轴参数为目的,展开了下面的研究和论述。文中对FANUC数控系统、模糊PID控制技术、自学习控制算法进行了简要的介绍;根据FANUC数控系统具有的CNC/PMC数据窗口功能,搭建了以FANUC的二次开发包FOCAS作为底层交互的软件层,采用以太网络作为测控联络的物理通路的控制系统硬件平台;对FANUC数控系统的伺服优化软件Servo-Guide和球杆仪测试组件如何优化伺服参数进行了分析。笔者根据大量的实验测试和数据分析,总结出一套更佳的参数设定及优化的方案。在机床伺服参数优化中,笔者引入了模糊控制技术和带自学习环节的模糊PID控制方法,并且根据经验数据分析,建立了模糊控制规则,完成了单模糊输入控制的实验研究;并在自学习环节中尝试性的提出了通过改变论域的奖惩学习算法修改控制规则表的方法。在实际的联机过程中,所建立的调校平台能够自动运行伺服优化软件,正确的读取、显示参数信息和修改CNC系统的伺服参数,同时,根据优化效果控制测量组件及软件自动运行。

【Abstract】 Servo drive system is an important part of a precision horizontal machining center, the performance directly impact on machining accuracy. Many machine tool factories will encounter problems and difficulties of the servo drive system optimization Currently, In combination of the " servo drive optimization of precision horizontal machining center " which is the sub-topic of the National " high-end CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment" major science and technology actual project, for the purpose of optimize the parameters of the machine tool servo axis , carried out the research and discussed below.In this paper, we introduced the FANUC CNC system, fuzzy PID control, algorithm of self-learning control briefly, According to our research target machine having CNC/PMC data window function, we built a control system’s hardware platform, whose physical layer was based on TCP/IP and underlying software layer was based on FANUC secondary development package FOCAS. And analyzed how to optimize the servo parameters by using the optimization software servo Servo-Guide of FANUC CNC system and the Ball Bar test components. Author summed up a better optimization solutions of parameter settings, on the basis of a lot of experimental tests and data analysis. Meanwhile, the technology of fuzzy control and the method of self-learning fuzzy PID control is introduced to the program of the servo drive optimization, established the fuzzy control rules according to analyzing of the empirical data. And trial proposed modifying the control rule table through the incentives-learning algorithm by changing the field in the part of the self-learning.The platform can adjust the server optimization software, properly read, display the information of parameters, and modify the servo parameters of CNC system automatically in the online process. Meanwhile, according to the optimal effect to control measure components and it’s software run automatically.


