

【作者】 闫岩

【导师】 蒋亚东;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 光学工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 可视嗅觉的气致变色传感系统是新一代的电子鼻领域发展上的突破,近年来发展迅速。气致变色传感器有两个模块组成,即前端的敏感单元模块与后端的气敏图像采集与识别模块。早在上个世纪80年代,英国科学家就提出了可以通过气体对敏感材料有光谱响应的显色性来进行混合气体的分类鉴别。2000年,伊利诺大学的Kenneth S. Suslick教授等人发明了利用金属卟啉类配合物合成的敏感单元,对气体进行显色实验,并获得了良好的气体检测效果;2006年,我国西北工业大学的郭冬敏等人在对卟啉基敏感单元进行了大量的气敏实验的基础上,也对后端的图像采集与处理进行了开拓性的研究。近几年,电子科技大学电子薄膜与集成器件国家重点实验室也建立了气致变色传感器研究项目组,分别对前端与后端进行了系统的研究,并取得了一些成果,对某些气体得到了很好的检测效果。本文在对前端四苯基金属卟啉与钛菁锌材料的敏感单元进行大量气体检测实验的基础上,重点对后端的图像采集与处理模块进行了开发与研究,主要工作如下:1在气敏显色实验与原有16种气体数据库的基础上,通过气敏单元的制备、气敏显色的实验,以及嵌入式图像采集模块的开发,采集并扩充了14种气体检测数据库,实现了更多气体的定性检测效果,14种新扩充气体的检测率达100%,使系统总的可识别气体达到30种。2基于ARM-Linux,体积小、效率高、价格低廉,能够很好的适应特定检测环境的限制的优点,采用从嵌入式Linux内核的移植入手,通过内核配置,按键驱动设计,按键响应控制程序的实现,LCD显示应用程序配置的方法,实现了具有实时图像采集与显示功能的嵌入式图像采集系统。3将基于MATLAB的气敏图像数据库更新为VC++的OpenCV图像处理类库,改善并优化了图像识别的开发平台,使其对嵌入式系统具有了更好的可移植性;对采集到气敏特征图像进行了预处理、边缘检测以及特征提取与对比的图像识别模块,实现了数据库中所有扩充气体的定性识别。4通过对1ml,2ml,3ml挥发性甲基丙烯酸甲酯气体进行气敏实验,对甲基丙烯酸甲酯的有机挥发物的定量显色实验做了试探性的研究,进一步的图像识别需要在以后的工作中继续完善。

【Abstract】 With rapid development, visible gas-induced smelling sensor system, which is a breakthrough of new generation electronic nose region, is composed of two modules, which are front sensitive color-changing arrays and back image-collecting and recognition system. In last century, gas recognition theory based on gas-induced color-changing effect was proposed by British scientists. In 2000, an invention that sensor arrays of metal porphyris by Professor Kenneth S. Suslick and their work-team was made to apply to recognizing gases and the result is favorable. In 2006, Guo Dongmin et al of Northwestern Polytechnical University did a pioneering research on back sensitive image-collecting and recgnition on the basis of a massive color-changing experiments. In recently years, a gas-induced color-changing sensor project team was gradually established in our national key laboratory. Some systematic researches were carried out on both front and back-end systems. There are some very good testing results on some gases. The recognition rate is 100%.In this paper, focusing on back-end image acquisition and processing based on massive experiments of front gas detection unit of tetraphenyl porphyrin zinc and titanium material Jing. Main tasks are as follow:1 14 types of gases database were expanded on the basis of the original color of 16 gas database and gas experiments, by sensing element through the preparation, sensing the color of the experiments, and development of embedded image acquisition module. Recognition rate of the newly added 14 types of gases is 100%. Identifiable gases of the system are totally 30.2 ARM-Linux, having the advantage of small size, high efficiency, low prices, can well adapt to specific testing surroundings with good performance. Adopting embedded Linux kernel configuration, button driver design, button-response programming and LCD display configuration method, a real-time image acquisition and display system was realized.3 The OpenCV VC + + based preprocessing gas sensing characteristics of the collected images, edge detection, feature extraction and comparison of image recognition realized all the qualitative expanding database of the gas recognition, recognition rate is 100%.4 Tentative quantitative identification of volatile organic compounds of methyl methacrylate was made by 1ml, 2ml, 3ml MMA volatile gas sensing experiments. But quantitative Image identification needs for further work in the future to improve.


