

【作者】 马伟凯

【导师】 李平; 崔自中;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 晶圆片测试是指对于晶圆片上的每一个芯片进行逐个测试。这种测试是在晶圆经过复杂的涂胶、光刻、参杂等过程生产出成品的芯片后的首次测试。晶圆片测试是通过使用测试机和探针台所组成的测试系统完成的。测试机和探针台这些测试设备的发展是随着芯片生产工艺的发展而来的。随着芯片制造技术的发展,晶圆片的尺寸越来越大,芯片的越来越小,用于晶圆测试的测试仪器也随着更新换代。现阶段我国测试行业发展迅速,但是大多数测试公司使用的都是低端或者是老旧的测试设备。在实际的生产过程中产生了很多问题和麻烦。本文是结合我国测试产业现状,以使用在生产第一线的晶圆测试设备为基础,以解决生产过程中的实际问题为目的的。本文通过分析相关型号的测试机和探针台,确定了在测试机和探针台之间增加中转PC的解决方案。通过在Visual Studio 2008开发平台使用C++语言开发软件程序,使得在中转PC上能够实现复原测试系统的原始通信,生成统一格式Wafermap文件并且能够统一管理,实现定点回测功能以及脱机打点功能。本文是对于老旧测试设备升级的一种尝试,对于我国现阶段的测试产业的发展有着积极的意义。通过我们的努力,本文所介绍的软硬件系统已经通过了实际生产的测试。这个对于测试系统的进一步改造和发展也打下了良好的基础。

【Abstract】 Wafer test is tested every die on the wafer for one by one.This test is the first test after the wafer was coated, photolithographied, dopped finishing chip output.Wafer test is completed by using of test system making use of tester and prober. Chip production process led to the development of the tester and the development of prober. As chip manufacturing technology, wafer size increases, less and less extreme chip, test equipment for wafer testing also with the replacement. The rapid development of the industry at this stage of testing, but most tests are used by the company or the old low-end test equipment. In the actual production process produces a lot of problems and troubles. This paper is a combination of status of the test industry to use in the production of the first line of testing equipment based on the production process to solve practical problems for the purpose.This paper identified solution that increase a transit PC between the prober and the tester, by analyzing the related types of tester and related prober. By using the C + + language and Visual Studio 2008 software development platform, making the transfer can be achieved on a PC recovery of the original communication test system to generate a unified file format and can Wafermap unified management, and point back to the test functions and features offline RBI.This paper is an attempt to upgrade performance of the old test equipment, for the present stage of the testing industry has the positive meaning. Through our efforts, this paper describes the hardware and software system has been tested by the actual production. The test system for the further reconstruction and development laid a good foundation

【关键词】 测试机探针台Wafermap文件Visual StudioC++
【Key words】 testerproberwafermap fileVisual StudioC++
  • 【分类号】TP274.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】72

