

Research on Pricing China’s Domestic Stock Based on SVR

【作者】 莫瑞君

【导师】 杨建辉;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 管理决策与系统理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 IPO定价是新股发行业务的核心内容,成功的发行不仅可以为公司筹措资金以扩大经营规模,而且有助于公司改善资本结构和治理结构。然而,IPO定价一直是国际金融界公认的最具迷惑性的难题之一,由于定价不合理的IPO抑价等问题经常出现。国内外学者在对IPO定价的研究中,重点着眼于IPO发行定价方式、IPO抑价产生的原因,以及对IPO抑价水平的测度等方面,而对如何制定一个公正、合理、科学的IPO定价模型的研究的探讨则比较少。讨论IPO定价问题,就是讨论上市公司的估值问题。本文沿着成熟股票定价理论的思路,详细分析新股定价与主要影响因素指标的相关性,并以量化的方式建立适合中国市场实际的股票定价模型,力图为IPO定价研究的后续发展起到抛砖引玉的作用。具体而言,本文分析了五类传统的IPO定价模型:现金流贴现模型、可比公司估值模型、EVA估值模型、多因素定价模型和期权定价模型经济学原理和模型方法,并对它们的适用范围和局限性进行了比较。然后,自上而下地从宏观经济、市场走势、公司财务三个层面选取相关的公开信息数据,构建了IPO定价影响因素的指标体系。最后,建立了五个股票板块的IPO定价模型,包括一个大样本模型——信息板块,四个小样本模型——采掘业板块、金融服务板块、商业贸易板块和社会服务板块。在每个样本板块之下,分别建立三种定价模型来研究。实证结果表明:1)剔除奇异样本对改善大样本的误差情况并无明显作用;2)剔除奇异样本对提升小样本的定价精度有显著的效果;3)综合考虑宏观、市场和企业因素的三层指标模型的定价精度优于仅考虑财务因素的模型。本文最后针对研究的局限性,提出了后续的研究方向。

【Abstract】 Initial Public Offering’s (IPO) pricing is the core process of the offering business. A successful offering can raise funds to enlarge the firm’s operation size and help to improve both the capital structure and governance structure. Nevertheless, IPO pricing is always regarded as one of the most confused puzzles in finance across the world. Problems such as IPO underpricing come up from time to time. Academicians focus on pricing mode, reasons and range of IPO underpricing when studying of IPO pricing. Researches of how to establish a fair, proper and scientific IPO pricing modern is rare. Discussing the issue of IPO pricing means discussing the valuation of a firm that is going public.Under mature stock pricing theory, this paper analyze the relationship between IPO pricing and main influencing factors, then establish IPO pricing moderns which are suitable for China market. The main purpose is to offer a reference for the future study on IPO pricing.In detail, this paper analyzes the economic theories and modeling methods of five conventional IPO pricing models and compares their application fields and limitations. These six models includes cash flow discount model, contrast firm valuation model, economic value-added model, multi-factors pricing model and option pricing model. Then, index system of IPO pricing influencing factors based on public information is built up of three layers from macro economics, market situation and firm finance. Finally, IPO pricing models are established which includes one large sample model of information board and four small sample models consisting of mining board, finance board, commerce board and social service board. Under every board, there are three corresponding models.The research results show that: 1) effect of deleting exceptional samples is not obvious to improve the pricing errors of large sample; 2) deleting exceptional samples can advance the pricing errors of small sample; 3) the pricing error of models with three layer indices of macroeconomic, market and firm factors are better than models with only finance indices factors.Finally, based on the limitations of this paper, it points out future research directions.


