

Studies on Energy-Saving Modes with Market Mechanism in Power Industry

【作者】 伍玉林

【导师】 文福拴;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济的发展的同时,能源短缺与环境污染成为了刻不容缓的问题。对于高耗能企业,其运营策略的核心内容之一就是如何降低能耗费用以节约成本。我国能源基础薄弱、单位GDP能耗高、国内外能源忧患的现实情况说明了我国节能减排的势在必行。电力工业是经济社会发展的重要支撑,但电力工业自身的能源消耗和污染排放问题也日益突出,使其成为能源消耗大户和主要的污染源,在节能减排中起到的作用也就至关重要了。我国目前的节能工作主要是通过政府节能主管部门、各级节能服务机构和企业节能管理部门三位一体的能源管理机制运作,是在政府强制性作用下进行的。在发展过程中,这种单一行政性节能减排方式不断呈现出例如缺乏主体主动性与节能投资等固有弊端。可见,这并不是节能减排工程的长效机制。因而,基于市场机制的节能减排方式的引入和发展将成为不可避免的趋势。在此背景下,针对目前分别在发电侧与用电需求侧具有较大发展前景的基于市场机制的节能模式——发电权交易和合同能源管理,本文开展了下述研究:1)分析能耗与排放最优模型、能耗和排放约束模型、社会效用最大化模型的发电权交易的节能减排效益。通过引进能耗因子和排放因子,建立了能耗与排放最优模型、能耗和排放约束模型。通过算例模拟,分析对比上述两个模型与社会效用最大化模型在社会效用、能耗和排放的差异,说明各撮合模型的在发电权交易市场进程不同时期的适用性。2)通过把日前市场中的两部制电价体系引入到发电权交易市场中,发展了基于两部制的发电权交易模式。按照可以体现煤耗成本的电量电价的“高低匹配”原则进行撮合交易,在结算时考虑容量电价,使得交易结果符合节能调度要求。并研究了发电权交易中采用两部制电价与现行的电网公司向发电公司支付的单一制上网电价机制之间的衔接条件,说明二者之间具有较好的兼容性。3)初步探讨了发电公司在发电权交易市场中的竞价策略。以对发电权交易竞价行为分析为基础,把发电公司获取的预期利润最大化为目标,以实际利润小于期望利润的概率小于给定水平为风险约束,分别构造了发电权出让方和受让方的最优报价策略的机会规划约束规划模型。提出了一种分层嵌套方法——在内循环中采用遗传算法,在外循环中采用文中提出的基于有限离散有界变量的简化算法,对模型进行求解。并进行算例仿真验证,在此基础上进一步分析了发电权交易中的竞价行为。4)系统研究了基于需求侧合同能源管理的服务体系在电网公司的实施模式。针对合同能源管理在我国实施过程中遇到的问题,从合同能源管理在电网公司的实施流程、采取的实施主体形式、合同类型的区分、项目选择指标的构建、项目融资的改进模式、项目节能效果评价指标体系的构建和电网公司的节能服务保障体系的构建等方面做出了详细的探讨,为电网企业需求侧管理在节能减排工作上提供一种科学的新思路。

【Abstract】 While the economics is constantly increasing, it is becoming an urgent issue to solve the problems of energy shortage and environmental pollution. As for the high-energy-consuming enterprises, how to save energy to reduce the cost is one of their central topics. The current situation, that our country’s energy source reserve is weak, the energy consumption per unit of GDP is high, and the situation of energy in and out of abroad is grave, shows that energy saving and emission reduction in China is imperative. The power industry is the important pillar of social development. But its problems of energy consumption and air emissions make it become the high-energy-consuming and heavy-polluting. So, it will inevitably play a pivotal role in the energy conservation and emission reduction.It is primarily through the trinity of energy-saving competent authorities, energy-saving services at all levels and energy-saving department manager in enterprises to carrying out the energy conservation, which is mandatory by the government. This single administrative means glows with a few inherent malpractice, such as lack of activeness subject and investment for energy conservation. It is obviously not the effect mechanism. So it is inevitable to introduce the energy-saving and emission-reducing modes based on market mechanism.Given this background, this thesis carries on some related research on generation-right trade and energy performance contracting (EPC) which have broad development prospect respectively in generation-side and demand-side.1) The energy-saving and emission-reducing efficiency among the optimal exhausting emission model, considering energy-saving and emission-reducing model, maximum social utility model are analyzed. Two models considering energy-saving and emission-reducing of generation rights trade are built by introducing the energy consumption factor and emission factor. And then, an example is presented to contrast them with the maximum social utility one about the differentiations on social utility, energy consumption and emission. The validity of each the centralized matchmaking trading model in the different period of generation-right trading market is also described.2) A two-part electricity price based generation-right trading mechanism is developed by introducing the two-part electricity price in day-ahead power exchange market into generation-right trade. The key issue of the proposed mode is to modify the existing trading mode such that the new mode will conform to the principle of“high-low matching”of the energy price that reflects the cost of coal consumption. As the result, the trading outcome will, to a great extent, be consistent with that of the energy-saving generation dispatch. The binding constraint between these two price systems is next analyzed, which illustrates that the proposed mode has favorable compatibility with the one-part price system currently employed in China for paying generation companies.3) A preliminary investigation on bidding strategies for generation companies in generation-right trading markets is given. The bidding behaviors of generation companies in this market are analyzed first, and then the optimal bidding models for both the selling and buying entities are developed under the well-established chance-constrained programming framework. A multilayer embedded algorithm, in which the well-developed genetic algorithm is employed in the outer cycle, and a simple algorithm based on finite discrete variables developed in this work used in the inner cycle, is presented to solve this problem. Finally, a test example is served for demonstrating the basic features of the developed model and method, and a further analysis on the bidding behaviors of generation companies carried out based on simulation results.4) The energy performance contracting (EPC) services system based on demand side management (DSM) is studied systematically. Aiming at the problems in the implementation process of EPC in China, a embodiment, including the practice process of EPC in power grid corporation, the forms of implementing main body that should be taken, the distinction for different types of contracts, the constructing of index system for energy-saving project selection, the improved financing modes, the constructing of index system for energy-saving project evaluation and energy-saving service support system in power grid corporations, is discussed in detail. This offers a scientific means for the DSM of power grid corporations in the energy-saving and emission reducing work.


