

The Value of Quantitative Analysis of Panoramic Radiographs for Mandibular Asymmetry

【作者】 朱婷婷

【导师】 米丛波;

【作者基本信息】 新疆医科大学 , 口腔临床医学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:研究下颌偏斜患者的全颌曲面断层片和头颅后前位定位片的相关性,探讨全颌曲面断层片定量分析评价下颌偏斜的应用价值。方法:本研究选取2008-2009年就诊于新疆医科大学第一附属医院口腔正畸科的50例下颌偏斜患者治疗前同期拍摄的全颌曲面断层片和头颅后前位定位片,分别应用下颌骨线距测量及Vig三角形测量法对全颌曲面断层片和头颅后前位定位片进行测量分析。方法一,下颌骨线距测量:分别定点左右两侧髁顶点、下颌角点及颏下点,并测量左右两侧下颌骨升支高度、下颌体长度、下颌综合长度,对测量结果进行相关性检验,并建立回归方程;方法二,Vig三角形测量法:定点与方法一相同,分别测量由这三点所围成的三角形面积大小,并对测量结果进行相关性检验,建立回归方程。结果:下颌骨线距测量结果:下颌骨升支高度及下颌综合长度在全颌曲面断层片和头颅后前位定位片上的测量值之间均有明显相关性,而下颌体长度在两测量值之间相关性较前两者为低;Vig三角形测量法:左右两侧下颌骨三角形面积大小在全颌曲面断层片和头颅后前位定位片上的测量值之间均有明显相关性。结论:在严格遵守拍摄要求的情况下,全颌曲面断层片作为一种辅助诊断方法,是可以进行下颌骨定量指标的测量来评价下颌偏斜的。

【Abstract】 Objective:To study the relationship with two sides of mandibular between the panoramic and posterior-anterior radiographs of the patients with mandibular asymmetry, and discuss the value of quantitative analysis of panoramic radiographs for mandibular asymmetry.Methods:Panoramic and posterior-anterior radiographs were taken in 50 patients with mandibular asymmetry before treatment, who have came to the Orthodontic Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University during 2008-2009. the mandibular linear dimensions and Vig’s triangulation was introduced.method 1, Mandibular linear dimension measurement:Both sides of the mandibular ramus height, mandibular corpus lengh and mandibular total length were measured on these radiographs. The data were statistically analyzed. Method 2, Vig’s triangulation:take the same samples, and both sides of the triangle acreage were measured on these radiographs. The data were statistically analyzed.Results:result of mandibular linear dimension measurement:significant correlations of mandibular ramus height and mandibular total length between panoramic and posterior-anterior radiographs were found while lower significant correlation of mandibualr corpus lengh was noted. Result of Vig’s triangulation:significant correlations of both sides of the triangle acreage between panoramic and posterior-anterior radiographs were noted.Conclusion:when observe rigidly the screen demand, to be a method of assistant diagnosis, it can be used for quantitative analysis to evaluate the mandibular asymmetry.


