

Status and Development Strategy Study on Rural Left-behind Student Sports Participation in Jishou

【作者】 张学文

【导师】 龙佩林;

【作者基本信息】 吉首大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 留守儿童是由我国现代化经济建设、社会急剧转型中,大量农村劳动力向城市转移而造成的一个新弱势群体。其生活、教育、心理等问题已成为中国政府和社会各界高度关注的焦点,也是教育学、社会学研究的热点。处于初中生学习阶段的儿童正是身体成长、学习和人生观、世界观形成的关键时期,对其从生理、心理、学习、生活的关注意义十分重大。体育活动的参与对于促进农村留守儿童的身心健康成长和社会角色的改变具有独特的价值。采用文献资料调研、问卷调查、访谈、数理统计、逻辑分析法、实地考察、对比等研究方法。以吉首市农村中学的留守初中生为研究对象,对他们参与学校、乡镇和家庭体育活动的状况展开调查。研究结果表明:吉首市农村留守初中生对参与学校、乡镇和家庭体育都有较高的兴趣,参与各类体育活动的动机以增强体质和健身健美为主;参加学校体育活动的方式均以班级同学一起和老师组织为主,参与乡镇体育锻炼的方式则以和朋友或同伴一起锻炼为主,参与家庭体育锻炼的方式则以自己练习及和爷爷或者奶奶一起练习为主;参加学校体育活动的内容以广播体操、跑步、羽毛球、篮球和乒乓球为主,也有一些民族特色的体育项目,参与乡镇、家庭体育以篮球、羽毛球为主;参与学校、乡镇体育的场所主要是校内运动场、校外空地、公路、乡镇的中心运动场、街道或其他空地,参与家庭体育锻炼的主要场所是自己家房前屋后的空地、家里、树林等;学生每周参与体育课2次,课外体育活动的参与频次以1次为主,早、课间操的参与频率较高,参与乡镇、家庭体育的频次不高;持续时间主要集中在21~30分钟,参与的强度主要以中小强度为主。每学期体育消费金额集中在30元以下,主要用于购买一些便宜简便的体育产品;对学校体育指导的满意度总体评价要高于对乡镇、家庭体育指导的满意度,但对学校、乡镇和家庭体育场地设施、环境的满意度都不高。分析认为,影响吉首市农村留守初中生体育参与的因素是多方面的,主要有吉首市农村学校及社会体育资源匮乏,吉首市农村大多仍然处在传统的农耕生活方式之中,学生生活压力大,现代传媒的影响,学校功利性的教育观念,以及不健康的社会价值观和片面的单生物体育价值观等。为了提高吉首市农村留守初中生体育参与的整体水平,促进农村留守儿童的身心健康成长和社会角色的改变,提出了采取转变观念,加大关注度、投入,改变教学条件,大力发展寄宿制学校,因材施教、开发校本教材,加强校园体育文化建设、课外体育活动及乡村和家庭体育的开展,加强继续教育培训,提高农村体育师资水平,培养体育意识,提高体育参与度,构建体育教育体系,保持体育锻炼的连续性等对策措施。

【Abstract】 With modern economic development and social transformation leaning towards a large need for Labor, there emerges a new weak group called“left-behind children”. Their life, education and psychological problem have become the focus of China’s government and society alike. It is also the hot topic for research in pedagogy and sociology. The period of time during middle school is essential to children in their body growth, their outlook on life, study, and on the world. Meanwhile, middle school is full of insignificance to their physiology, psychological study and life. Sports not only can promote their health growth and the development of a better education, but also has a unique value to change their social roles.This paper mainly adopts the research methods of document research, questionnaire, investigation and statistics, logic analysis, and field investigation. The objects of investigation were left-behind middle school students in the Jishou municipality. The survey mainly targets school sports, township community sports, and family sports activities participate in research. According to studies, the left-behind students have high interest in all kinds of sports exercise. Their motivation on participation is to improve their health and fitness. Attendance of school sports activities are organized by teachers with all of the students. Participating township physical exercise is usually chosen with a friend or a partner. Participating family practice is often training by themselves or with their grandma and grandpa. The main content of at school sports activities radio are gymnastics, runnin, badminton, running, basketball and table tennis. Besides, there are some minority sports items. The contents of participating in township and family sports are primarily basketball and badminton. The places in school and township physical training are stadiums, campus space, highway, the center street in town or other space. However, the places in family physical exercise are the front space and inside of their house, forest, etc. As for the frequency, generally speaking, students participating in gym class have meetings twice a week and once a week in extracurricular sports activities. Morning exercise and setting-up class-break exercise have higher frequency than the township and family physical exercise, while the exercise only last 20 to 30 minutes and their experience is just small and medium strength. Every semester, the consumption on sports equipment is under 30 yuan, which is mainly used for purchasing some simple sports tools. The satisfaction to the school sports guidance is higher than the overall evaluation on township sports and family sports guidance. Nevertheless, the satisfaction is much worse, when it refers to playgrounds, facilities, and environment.According to analysis, the factors of influence on rural left-behind student sports participation are multifaceted. The major factor is lacking of the sports resources in rural schools. The economy in Jishou municipality area is undeveloped, and what is more, there still exists many traditional farming lifestyles. The students are facing big pressure and the schools conclude utilitarian value. In addition, the social values are also unhealthy, especially the one-sided single biological sports value. In order of improving whole participation passion, there are several proposals encouraging conclusions that promote left—behind student’s health and change in social roles. Some such proposals are transferring the traditional opinion into new ideas, pay more attention on these student’s, invest more funds on sports equipment and other basic construction, develop the boarding school, create distinctive school methods, strengthen the teachers resources, and among others, construct the sports educational system..

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉首大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

