

Research on Seepage Field of Changing Low Permeability Reservoir Well-net for Wuliwan No.1 Oil Field

【作者】 刘玉祥

【导师】 熊伟; 高树生;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(渗流流体力学研究所) , 流体力学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 由于低渗透油藏生产井都要压裂才投产,所以渗流场与中高渗透油藏会有所不同,本文针对长庆靖安油田五里湾一区三种井网的渗流场进行了平板可视化物理模拟研究和数值模拟研究。通过对低渗透油藏井网渗流场的研究,明确了剩余油的分布规律和形成机理,为后期生产调整提供了参考。本文首先从常用的井网模拟单元出发,根据多井干扰理论,利用镜像反映法和势的叠加原理进行论证,得到了本文使用的物理模拟单元,进行平板可视化物理模拟研究,然后又利用数值模拟技术模拟了三种井网的水驱波及规律并同未压裂井网进行了比较研究。通过本文的研究得到以下结论:1.注水井附近为径向流,注入水呈圆形向前推进,当水驱前缘到达裂缝后,注入水沿裂缝窜进,生产井很快见水,见水后含水率快速上升,模拟过程中可以观察到水驱前缘在裂缝两侧产生明显的分离现象。2.注水井井底附近压力很高,形成圆形的倒压力漏斗,生产井附近则形成椭圆形的压降漏斗,对于反九点井网来说,边井处的压降漏斗比角井更加明显,而且在生产井连线方向会产生低压条带。3.裂缝附近流线发生弯曲,向裂缝集中,流体先流入裂缝而后沿裂缝进入生产井内,在远离注水井和生产井的位置处流线比较稀疏,水动力不足,此处往往都会形成大量的未被波及的剩余油。数模研究结果表明,区块综合含水70%时,各种井网的面积波及系数分别为:矩形井网——62.74%,菱形反九点井网——67.88%,正方形反九点井网——68.42%。

【Abstract】 Due to the production Wells in low permeability reservoir are required fractured, the seepage field is different with higher permeability reservoir. This paper conducted physical simulation and numerical simulation for three networks of Wuliwan no.1 field. Through the research of the seepage field of low permeability reservoir, we get the law of the distribution and formation mechanism of the residual oil, what offer references for the later production adjustment. By theory of multi-well interference and means of image theory and potential superposition principle, this paper gets three units for three well-nets, and then flat panel visual simulation is carried. After that we carry through numerical simulation. Through this study we get the following conclusions:1.It is radial flow near the injection wells in the low permeability reservoir, and the waterflood front is fan-shaped forwarding. When the waterflood front get to the fracture of production well, the injection water breakthrough along the fracture. Sooner the production well produces water, and the FWCT rapidly increase. In the process of simulation, we can see that the waterflood front on both sides of the fracture produces significant separation.2. Bottom hole pressure near the injection wells is very high, and there will be got an inverted pressure drop funnel. Bottom hole pressure near the production wells is very low, and there will be got a pressure drop funnel. For the inverted nine-spot pattern, pressure drop funnel of the brim wells is more obvious than corner wells’ And there will get low pressure at the direction of the connection of production wells.3. The streamlines occurred change near the fractures, and they concentrate to the fracture, the fluid flow into the fracture and then along the fracture into the production well. The streamlines is sparse away from the injection wells and production wells, where will tend to form large not swept remaining oil for lack of hydrodynamic. The results of numerical simulation show that when the FWCT is 70%, the Rectangular pattern’s areal sweep efficiency is 62.74%, the Diamond-shape inverted nine-spot pattern’s areal sweep efficiency is 67.88%, and the Square-shape inverted nine-spot pattern’s areal sweep efficiency is 68.42%.


