

Shanxi Highway Earthquake Disaster Risk Division Based on GIS

【作者】 韩敏

【导师】 李家春;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 5.12汶川地震对陕西省公路工程造成了巨大的破坏,引发了崩塌、滑坡、泥石流及路基沉陷等次生地质灾害,影响了公路“生命线工程”作用的发挥,给震后救援及灾后恢复带来了十分不利的影响。开展震后公路次生灾害风险评价,对公路灾害防治及路网规划具有重要的指导意义。论文以陕西省为研究对象,通过对震后陕西省公路次生地质灾害类型、分布规律及致灾机理的调查和分析,陕西省地震次生灾害主要有斜坡地质灾害、泥石流灾害以及路基沉陷三大类。论文选取地震烈度、地形坡度、岩土类型、地表切割密度、地表切割深度、植被、河网密度、降雨量等作为斜坡地质灾害的危险性评价指标,选择地震烈度、降雨、地形坡度及地表切割深度作为泥石流灾害的危险性评价指标,选择断裂带特征作为路基沉陷灾害的危险性评价指标,建立了三类次生地质灾害危险性评价指标体系和等级划分体系,并确定各影响因素的权重。利用GIS技术完成了各影响因素专题图层,通过GIS空间分析功能,叠加完成了各类灾害的危险度指数图。以叠加完成的各类灾害的危险度指数图为基础,通过叠加完成了陕西省公路地震次生灾害危险性评价工作。按照危险性评价指标大小将陕西省公路地震次生灾害危险性划分为微度危险、轻度危险、中度危险、严重危险和极严重危险五个危险性等级,并将陕西省分为16个危险性分区,其中2个微度危险区,1个轻度危险区,6个中度危险区,6个严重危险区和1个极严重危险区,完成了陕西省地震次生灾害区域危险性评价。在此基础上将陕西省路网图(主要是国省干线)与陕西省公路地震次生灾害危险性分区图叠加,完成陕西省路网地震次生灾害危险性评价。论文研究成果与陕西省实际情况基本相符,对生命线工程的保畅、防灾减灾及路网规划等具有一定的指导作用。

【Abstract】 The Wenchuan earthquake on May 12th has taken great destroys to highways of Shanxi province, it caused great destruction, avalanches, landslide and debris flow and roadbed subsidence geological disasters such as secondary, affecting the highway "lifeline project" function and it also brought post-earthquake rescue and recovery very adverse effects. There will be important guiding significance on the highway hazard prevention and network planning to conduct post-earthquake risk assessment of highway secondary disasters.The paper take Shanxi Province as the object of study, through the analysis of the type after shaking the Shanxi Province road secondary geology disaster, the distribution rule and send the disaster mechanism’s investigation and the analysis, the Shanxi Province earthquake secondary disaster mainly have the pitch geology disaster, the mud-rock flow disaster as well as the roadbed cave in three broad headings.The paper selection earthquake intensity, the terrain slope, the ground type, the surface cutting density, the surface cutting depth, the vegetation, the drainage density, the rainfall amount and so on take the pitch geology disaster’s risk evaluating indicator, the choice earthquake intensity, the rainfall, the terrain slope and the surface cutting depth take the mud-rock flow disaster’s risk evaluating indicator, the choice fault zone characteristic take the roadbed settlement disaster’s risk evaluating indicator, established three has ordered by type lives the geological disaster risk evaluating indicator system and the rank division system, and determined each influencing factor the weight. Has completed each influencing factor topic chart level using the GIS technology, through the GIS spatial analysis function, the superimposition has completed each kind of disaster’s risk factor index chart.Take superimposes each kind of disaster’s risk factor index chart which completes as the foundation, has completed the Shanxi Province road earthquake secondary disaster risk evaluation exercise through the superimposition. The Shanxi Province road earthquake secondary disaster risk will divide according to the risk evaluating indicator size into the micro danger, mild dangerous, moderate dangerous, the grave danger and the extremely grave danger five risky rank, and Shanxi Province will divide into 16 risky district,2 micro warning areas,1 mild warning area,6 moderate warning areas,6 serious warning areas and 1 extremely serious warning area, have completed the Shanxi Province earthquake secondary disaster region risk appraisal.In this foundation the Shanxi Province road network chart (mainly will be country province skeleton line) with the Shanxi Province road earthquake secondary disaster risky district chart superimposition, completes the Shanxi Province road network earthquake secondary disaster risk appraisal. the paper research results and the Shanxi Province actual situation tally basically, guarantees smooth, the disaster prevention disaster reduction and the road network plan to the lifeline project and so on has certain instruction function.

【关键词】 公路地震次生灾害分区GIS
【Key words】 highwaypost-earthquakedisasterpartitionGIS
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

