

New Construction Technology Research of Ballastless Track

【作者】 孙再鸣

【导师】 裴建中;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近些年中国经济高速持续稳定的发展,同时国家也加大了铁路建设的步伐,以满足国家经济日益发展的需要。其中,客运专线无砟轨道的全面展开已经成为我国未来高速铁路建设发展的一种趋势和优势。中国铁路《中长期铁路网规划》实施以来,我国已建成和在建的客运专线有武广、郑西、哈大、石太等,其中轨道的结构形式也不尽相同,如武广线采用的Rheda2000型,郑西线采用的旭普林型,京津城际采用的博格板式等。鉴于Rheda2000型无砟轨道具有良好的结构连续性、平顺性、稳定性以及减少了维修工作量和养护维修设施等特点,我国也首次在武广客运专线全面使用了Rheda2000型无砟轨道。Rheda2000型无砟轨道施工工艺作为客运专线诸多关键技术一个很重要的组成部分,在施工前,线下路基、桥梁、隧道工后沉降和桥梁收缩徐变应满足设计要求后,方可进行无砟轨道施工。其主要由以下工艺组成:布置基桩控制网(CPIII),测设加密基标——摊铺路基及隧道地段的支承层混凝土,浇筑桥上混凝土保护层和凸台——轨枕、工具轨、钢筋等施工材料运输和卸车——铺设中间层、安装固定横向模板的定位条——钻销钉孔,铺设纵向底层钢筋——布枕、组装轨排,安装螺杆调整器底板,锚固销钉——粗调轨排,绑扎钢筋网、接地焊接——安装纵横向模板——精调轨排,轨排固定——浇筑道床板混凝土——拆除调整器,放松扣件,放散温度应力,混凝土养生——拆除模板及工具轨,进入下一循环。对于有砟无砟轨道过渡段,路桥过渡段、路隧过渡段、区间岔区过渡段的处理问题,充分考虑过渡段两侧结构特性差异的基础上,论文结合具体情况设计了多种过渡方案。以保证行车质量。总体来讲,Rheda2000型双块式无砟轨道施工在我国高速铁路建设中还处于起步、引进和摸索阶段,尚需积累施工经验和技术,因此我们在以后的施工中应不断地进行总结和创新,同时借鉴国外先进的施工工艺和理念,最终形成一套适合我国客运专线无砟轨道施工的技术管理系统。

【Abstract】 With the high-speed continual and steady development of China’s economy in recent years, the country strengthened the paces of the railway construction at the same time, in order to meet country’s economic and growing need. Among them there is not a kind of trend that has cut the overall expansion of the track and already become construction and development of future high-speed railway of our country in the passenger dedicated railway.Since the implementation of the《China railway network planning of long-term》,Our country under construction passenger traffic special line have military wide, Xi, Kazakhstan loud, stone Zheng very much,etc. at present, among them structural forms of the track are different to the limit too, if the military wide radar that adopts is 2000 type, the general forest type of brilliance of the rising sun which Zheng Xi adopted, modes in Chinese operatic music of Bogg adopted in Beijing and Tianjin,etc. Seeing that the radar has no track of cutting and has characteristics such as good structural continuity, getting smooth-going, stability and reducing the work load of maintaining and maintaining facilities,etc.2000 typely, our country has used radars to have no track of cutting on the special line of military wide passenger traffic 2000 typely in an all-round way for the first time too.The radar is too 2000 type to cut the construction craft of the track as a great deal of key technology and a very important component of special line of passenger traffic, before constructing, subsided after the line made the road bed, bridge, tunnel worker and the bridge shrank and should creep after meeting the designing requirement, can have no track of cutting to construct. It is mainly made up of following craft:Assign the base a control network (CPIII), examine and have the base of encrypting to mark--Pave one storey of concrete of supporting of the road bed and tunnel location, build the concrete antiabrasion layer and protruding platform on the bridge --Sleeper, tool rail, reinforcing bar,etc. construct material transport and unload --Lay localization one of the intermediate layer, fixed horizontal template of installation --Get into the hole of pins, lay the reinforcing bar of longitudinal ground floor --Cloth pillow, equipment rail are arranged, install spiral shell’s pole adjuster baseplate, the firm pin of anchor --Thick to transfer rail arrange, lashing reinforcing bar network, earthing weld --Install the vertical horizontal template--Adjust the rail to arrange precisely, the rail is arranged fixedly --Build concrete of a bed board- -Remove the adjuster, relax the fastener, the temperature stress that diffuse, the concrete keeps in good health --Remove the template and tool rail, enter the next circulation.Generally speaking, radar 2000 type pairs of pieces of type have, cut track construct of our country’s at a high speed railway construction at the starting stage evening, there are no construction experience and technology to accumulate yet, so should summarize and innovate and draw lessons from foreign and advanced construction craft and idea in our construction afterwards at the same time constantly, form one set and suitable for the special line of passenger traffic of our country and has not cut the technological administrative system that the track constructed finally.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】U213.244
  • 【下载频次】206

