

The Mode of Operation Research about Increase and Decrease of Urban and Rural Construction

【作者】 何帆

【导师】 李芹芳;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 土地资源管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国经济得到了快速发展,成绩显著,但同时也付出了较大的资源环境代价。土地的形势也一样,工业化、城镇化仍处在加速发展阶段,无论是经济社会发展、人口增加、还是生态环境改善,对土地的需求都日益增大,而我国土地资源严重不足,供需矛盾十分突出。但是,在如此严峻的土地供需形势下,仍然存在着农村土地被低效、无序利用,城镇建设用地规模过度扩张,城乡土地利用结构不尽合理。为缓解人地矛盾、保障国家粮食安全、加快新农村建设步伐、推进土地节约、集约利用,促进经济健康快速发展和城乡建设用地协调运行,国土资源部在2005年开始实施城镇建设用地增加与农村建设用地减少相挂钩(以下简称“挂钩”)的试点工作,并相继出台了两部规范性文件。2008年,在总结各地试点经验的基础上,下发了《城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点管理办法》(国土资发[2008]138号)明确规定挂钩试点遵循的原则、工作程序、管理方式等,标志着挂钩试点工作已纳入依法管理的轨道。由于挂钩是一项具有中国特色的崭新工作,无现成的经验可循,因此积极探索具有实际操作意义的挂钩运作模式,总结实践经验,对于有效稳妥地落实挂钩这条利国利民的好政策则显得极为必要。本文以理论和实践相结合的方式,深入探讨了挂钩试点进程中衍化出的三种典型运作模式,即四川郫县模式、天津华明镇模式、重庆地票模式,对其内在的运行机制进行分析并给予客观的评价,在此基础上针对不同模式的适用性进行总结,最后提出实现挂钩合理运作的建议。论文共分为六个章节:第一章为绪论。概述了本文的研究背景、研究意义,以及目前相关领域的研究进展情况,然后提出本文的研究方法、研究内容、研究框架。第二章为挂钩运作模式研究所涉及的相关理论。包括统筹城乡发展理论、集约用地理论、土地供给和需求理论、地租地价理论。第三章为挂钩概述。简要论述了挂钩的基本概念,挂钩政策目标,试点工作总体流程,挂钩中涉及的关键问题,试点进展情况和现存主要问题。第四章为挂钩运作模式探讨。分析了挂钩试点过程中形成的三种较为典型的运作模式,对其内在的运行机制进行深入分析,且从多个方面给予评价,并针对不同模式的适用性进行总结。第五章为实现挂钩合理运作的建议。在三种典型运作模式分析评价的基础上获得启示,从政策改革和具体操作方式上对下一阶段开展挂钩工作提出相关建议。第六章为结论和展望。对本文的研究内容进行梳理和总结,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening, China’s economy has developed rapidly, and has achieved significant achievements, but it also paid a greater resource and environmental cost. The land use is the same situation. Industrialization and urbanization is still in the stage of accelerated development, economic and social development, population increase, or the ecological environment improvement, demand for more land. But the land resource is serious shortage, and the contradiction between supply and demand is prominent. However, there are still problems such as inefficient and disorderly use of rural land, excessive expansion of the scale of urban construction land, rural and urban land use structure is not rational, through the land supply and demand in such a grim situation.To ease the contradiction between people and land, ensure the national food security, accelerate the pace of building new countryside, promote land conservation and intensive use, and promote coordinated operation between healthy and rapid economic development and urban construction land, the Ministry began to link the urban construction land increase and rural construction land decrease in 2005, (hereinafter referred to as "linked"), and has issued a two regulatory documents. In 2008, a summing-up on the basis of pilot experience, issued a "management approach of pilot project linking urban and rural construction land change", which clearly defined principles, procedures, management, etc. As the "linked" is a new work with Chinese characteristics, there is no ready-made experience to follow, hence, exploring a practical sense of "linked" mode of operation, summing up practical experience, is extremely necessary to use the policy efficiently.In this paper, a combination of theory and practice method is used, three typical mode of operation, which are derived from link process, are examined, namely, Pixian Sichuan model, Huaming town Tianjin model, and Chongqing land ticket mode. Than, the operation mechanism of it is internal Analyzed and an objective assessment is given. in this based on the applicability of different models to summarize. Finally, to achieve reasonable operation of the proposed link. The thesis is divided into six chapters: The first chapter is an introduction. This article outlines the background, significance, and the current research progress in related fields, and Then put forward the research method, content, research framework.The second chapter is the relevant theory, which including urban and rural development theory, intensive land use theory, land supply and demand theory and land rent theory.The third chapter is linked to an overview. Briefly discusses the basic concept of linking, linked to policy objectives, the pilot work of the overall process, linked to the key issues involved in the pilot of progress and the existing major problem.The fourth chapter is linked to mode of operation. Analysis of the formation of the pilot process linked to the more typical mode of operation of three of its internal operating mechanism of in-depth analysis and evaluation in many ways to give, and the applicability of different models to summarize the drawbacks of its proposed Recommendations for improvement.The fifth is reasonable operation to achieve the recommendations linked. Analysis in the Evaluation of three typical mode of operation based on the gain inspiration from the policy reforms and specific mode of operation continued on the next phase of work linked to suggestions.The sixth is conclusion and outlook. This chapter summarizes the content of this study and suggests the future research directions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】588

