

Research on Road Express Freight Hub-and-Spoke Network with Time Window

【作者】 刘四辈

【导师】 胡大伟;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年,经济社会的快速发展,市场需求的与日俱增,催生了公路快速货运行业尤其是零担快运行业的蓬勃兴起,国内公路快运企业的数量也在不断增多,随之而来的是企业间的竞争日趋激烈。归根结底,竞争的实质有两个方面:降低企业运输成本,提高企业的服务质量。这样,如何构建一个高效、合理的营运网络,既能有效降低运输成本,减轻企业的经济负担,又能为客户提供良好的服务,赢得客户的信赖和满意就显得相当得重要。轴辐式网络源于车轮的轴辐式结构,最早应用于航空系统并且取得了良好的经济效益。该网络可以有效整合物流资源、降低运输成本、提高物流资源的利用效率,对于货物来源不确定性强、时效性要求较高的公路快速货运行业来说,也十分适合。传统的轴辐式货运网络中,每个货运站必须与枢纽站连接,即必须经过枢纽站的转运才能到达目的货运站。在一些特殊情况下,如两个货运站间货物流量较大、距离较短、时间紧迫等,传统的轴辐式网络就显得有些难以适应。为此,本文在传统轴辐式网络中加入了直达线路,情况特殊时,货运站可不经过枢纽站的转运直接将货物运抵目的货运站。同时为了保证服务质量,确保时效性,文中特地加入了时间窗限制,这不仅减少了货物的转运次数,而且也保证了货物能在规定的时间范围内到达收货人手中。本文构建了带有时间窗的混合轴辐式网络模型,采用Lingo软件对其正确性进行了检验,并利用遗传算法对模型进行求解。求解结果表明:本文构建的网络在确保时效性的前提下,能够最大限度地节约运输成本。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of economy and society and the increasing market demands have spawned the road express freight, especially less-than-one carloads industry’s booming rise, recently. The number of domestic road express enterprises has been growing, followed by the increasing fierce competition between enterprises. In the final analysis, the essence of competition has two aspects:lowering enterprises’transportation cost and improving service level. So, it’s quite important to build an efficient and appropriate operation network, which can effectively decrease transportation costs, reduce the economic burden of enterprises, and can provide good service to win customers’trust and satisfaction.Hub-and-spoke network originates from the wheel’s hub-and-spoke structure, which was used in aviation system in the beginning and achieved good economic benefit. This kind of network can effectively integrate logistics resources, reduce the transportation cost and improve efficiency of logistics resource utilization. It’s also suitable for road express industry with timeliness demands, whose goods sources have high uncertainty.In the traditional hub-and-spoke freight network, every freight station must connect with the hub, namely goods can’t reach purpose without the hub’s transfer. In some special circumstances, such as goods flow is bigger between two stations, distance is shorter, time is pressing and so on, the traditional hub-and-spoke network is difficult to adapt.Therefore, direct routes are added to the traditional hub-and-spoke network in my paper, and the freight station can transport goods to the purpose freight station without the hub’s transfer in special circumstances. The paper adds time windows limit in order to guarantee the quality of service and timeliness. It not only reduces the number of transfer, but also guarantees that the goods can arrive to the consignee within the stipulated time. The paper proposes a hybrid hub-and-spoke network model with time windows, and adopts Lingo software to test its accurateness, using the genetic algorithm for its solution. The results show that the network model proposed can maximize the transportation cost saving under the premise of timeliness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】U492.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】213

