

Study of Sharing Rate Model between Two Rapid Passenger Transport Modes of Highway and Railway

【作者】 马红伟

【导师】 王元庆;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年来,高速铁路在我国迅速发展起来。高速铁路的迅猛发展对传统的客运方式造成很大的冲击。高速班车是在高速列车出现之前,地面主要的快速客运方式之一,由于其班次多、速度快,占有着相当的客运市场份额。高速列车引入之后,有一小部分原高速班车的乘客转移到高速列车,两者在不同的距离及服务水平下存在着一定的竞争关系。目前大部分研究着眼于公路与铁路的协调关系,对高速班车、高速列车之间的竞争关系的研究比较少。本研究着眼于陆路交通的高速客运体系,对公铁高速班车、高速列车两种高速客运方式进行了分担率研究。首先,从宏观角度分析了为保证模型的精度对RP+SP调查得到的原始数据进行校正,得到与实际符合的工程数据。然后本研究从出行者特性、交通需求特性、选择枝特性三个方面分析了影响出行得交通方式选择的主要因素,并从宏观的角度分析了区域范围内的经济、地域对于出行者交通方式选择行为的影响。基于因素分析建立公铁高速客运方式分担率模型,提出运用指示变量法、定性排序变量得分法、对比标度权重系数法将定性变量量化。紧接着,本研究基于共同OD点对建立了公铁高速列车、高速班车两种快速客运方式分担率模型。建立将广义费差——时间差、费用差之和作为效用函数中可以被观测到的部分的分担率模型,提出了基于Excel宏(VBA)编程的最大似然函数求解方法求解模型参数。本研究以浙江省甬台温走廊上的高速班车、高速列车两种高速客运方式为依托,分别采用基于因素分析的分担率模型以及基于共同OD点对的logit模型。基于因素分析的分担率模型研究确定到站时间、月收入、职业类型、票价为影响高速列车选择的主要因素,而出行频率对于分担率基本上没有影响,并通过算例对其进行了验证,该模型同时验证了采用指标变量、定序变量定量化及对比权重法等将定性指标量化方法的正确性;基于共同OD点对的模型确定了以高速列车、高速班车在各个距离范围内的分担率,并确定以150km作为高速班车及高速列车适应出行距离的分界点。这与国外研究中高速列车的适应距离为200km-500km、高速班车的适应距离为200km以下的结论基本一致。并且,适应出行距离的结论验证了基于因素分析的分担率模型的算例的正确性。最后,在实例应用及调查分析的基础上,提出了对高速班车客运发展的几点建议。

【Abstract】 High-speed railway (HSR) in China has developed rapidly in recent years, which causes great impact on traditional passenger transport modes. High-speed bus (HSB) is one of the land rapid transport modes, having a great market share because of its speed, convenience and frequent shifts.After the introduction of HSR, part of the original HSB passengers transferred to the HSR, but after the transfer, the passenger flow is basically stable within certain distance. Currently, most research focused on the coordination between road and rail, and HSR, the study of competition between HSR and HSB is relatively not that much. This study focuses on the rapid passenger transport system, and builds a diversion model between two fast transport modes-HSB&HSR. The following parts explain the details:First, this study analyzes the factors that influence the choice behavior of the travelers from three parts i.e. travelers’characteristics, travel demand and characteristics of alternatives. The economy and the location within the region are also analyzed from a macro point of view. And based on this analysis, a factor analysis based sharing model is established. As there are many qualitative variables in the sharing model, three methods to quantify them are proposed: Indicators (dummy variables), scores of ordered qualitative, and weight coefficient.Flowingly, this paper discusses the building method of sharing model of HSR and HSB based on mutual OD pairs. First, it analyzes the necessity of data validation and expansion. And it provides the method to get engineering data. Then with time and cost differences as the visible parts of utility function, an Excel VBA based program is developed to estimate the parameters of Mutual OD pairs based model.This paper applies both models to Yongtaiwen corridor. The result of the application of model based on factor analysis indicates that the access time, monthly income, career and ticket fare as the main factors that affect the sharing rate of HSR, which also proves travel frequency has no effect on the sharing rate as well as the validity of the methods to quantize the qualitative variables; While the application of mutual OD pairs based model identifies the suitable travel distance scope of HSR and HSB. It concludes that 150km as division, i.e. if the distance is less than 150km, HSB proves a good passenger transport mode, while of the distance more than 150km, HSR is a good choice for the passengers. This conclusion is in line with the research of experts, which uses 200km as a division. And moreover the result of mutual OD pairs model test the result of calculation example of the factor analysis based model.Finally, based on the application of both models and the research analysis, some suggestions are made to encourage the development of HSB.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】U293;U492.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】157

