

The Dayoushan Tunnel Through Xining West Foundation Reinforcement Technology Research

【作者】 王玉乐

【导师】 谢永利;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 岩土工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 高压旋喷注浆法是处理地基的一种方法,加固原理是运用钻机把携带特有喷嘴的注浆管钻到设定深度的土层里,然后以20-40MPa的压力把浆液或水从喷嘴中喷射出来,形成喷射流冲击破坏土体。被破坏的土颗粒中,较细小的部分伴随着水或者浆液钻出地面,其它的土粒在喷射流的的冲击等作用下,和浆液混合搅拌在一起,以一定的比例和质量的大小重新排列组合,形成了一个新的强度较高的固结体。本文以大有山隧道为依托工程,说明了高压旋喷桩复合地基在黄土隧道地基处理的应用的合理性,经过处理后的复合地基承载力满足工程的需要,并对高压旋喷桩复合地基进行了设计计算和施工描述。在设计工作中,合理的选取了桩径、桩长等设计参数,计算了单桩承载力特征值和复合地基承载力。对施工参数进行选取,并提出了高压旋喷桩施工中应注意的问题。经过地基处理后的黄土隧道目前已经通车,并运行良好,说明了高压旋喷桩加固黄土隧道地基效果明显,具有很大的经济效益和社会效益,值得广泛推广应用。

【Abstract】 High pressure sprinkling grouting technology is one of the methods of soil improvement. Its principle is to chisel pipe with special nozzle in soil lay of appointed depth by drills, then jet slurry or water from the nozzle at the pressure of 20-40MPa and come into being jet grouting destroying soil layer. Among the destroyed soil granules, the thinner wells up from the ground with slurry or water, and the others mix with slurry under the effect of jet’s impact force, centrifugal force, gravity and so on, then are further rearranged according to certain ratio of soil and quality, concreting to form consolidation in the soil layer.This paper based on Dayoushan tunnel project, illustrates the high pressure jet grouting pile composite foundation in loess tunnel foundation treatment, treated the reasonable application of the composite foundation bearing capacity, and meet the need of project of high pressure jet grouting pile composite foundation of calculation in design and construction. In design, reasonable selected the pile diameter, the pile length is calculated and the design parameter single pile bearing capacity eigenvalues. In construction work on construction parameters, selection, and puts forward the high pressure jet grouting pile problems that should be paid attention to in the construction. After the loess tunnel after the foundation treatment has been open to traffic, and is running well, explains the high pressure jet grouting pile foundation reinforced loess tunnel obvious effect, of great economic benefits and social benefits, is worth popularizing widely application. characteristics, and indicated weak links to supporting system construction force is ignored.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】U455.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】131

