

Research on Thermal Physical Parameters of Asphalt Mixture

【作者】 邹玲

【导师】 郑南翔;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 材料学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 沥青路面结构温度场和温度应力的分析都离不开材料的热物性参数,热物性参数随温度状况和材料种类的变化而不同,但以往在进行路面结构温度场和温度应力的分析时,一般都将材料的热物性参数取为定值,使得预估的温度场和计算的温度应力的正确性大打折扣。由于道路结构处于不断变化的温度环境中,因此若想精确模拟道路结构温度场,实测不同状况下道路材料的热物性参数是非常必要的。本文所研究的热物性参数主要包括比热容、导热系数、线收缩系数。主要研究内容及研究结论如下:开发并标定了沥青混合料的比热容测试系统,测试了沥青、集料、沥青混合料的比热容,得出沥青混合料各组分对其比热容的影响,通过预估模型比选得出应用并联模型进行沥青混合料比热容预估。用快速导热系数测定仪测试了沥青、集料、沥青混合料的导热系数,得出沥青混合料各组分对其导热系数的影响;分析了温度变化对导热系数的影响;通过预估模型比选得出应用并联模型进行沥青混合料导热系数预估。利用应变计电测法,测定了沥青混合料的线收缩系数,得出沥青种类对混合料的线收缩系数影响大于空隙率和集料的影响;温度变化和温速变化对线收缩系数影响较大。利用有限元模型对路面温度场进行了预估,并与路面实测温度进行了对比,得出若想精确模拟道路结构温度场,需要实测不同状况下道路材料的热物性参数。

【Abstract】 Thermal physical parameters of materials are usually regarded as constant in analysing temperature field and temperature stress.But they changed with temperature and material type,so the measurement of thermal physical parameters in different temperature condition is needed.In this paper, the research of the thermal physical parameters include:specific heat capacity, coefficient of thermal conductivity, the linear contractive modulus.The main research contents and research conclusions are as follows:Development and calibration of the test system of asphalt mixture specific heat capacity. Through testing the specific heat capacity of asphalt, aggregate, asphalt mixture find the influence of asphalt and aggregate in asphalt mixture specific heat capacity. Parallel model is better to simulate specific heat capacity of asphalt mixture through comparing with others.Test the coefficient of thermal conductivity of asphalt, aggregate,and asphalt mixture find the influence of aggregate, the influence of air void. Analyzed the temperature variation to the influence of the coefficient of thermal conductivity. Parallel model is better to simulate specific heat capacity of asphalt mixture through comparing with others. linear contractive modulus of asphalt mixture are measured with strain gage methord and find that influence of asphalt type is greater than air void and aggregate. Temperature changes on linear contractive modulus is great.Temperature field is estimated through finite element model. So the measurement of thermal physical parameters in different temperature condition is importent.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】U414
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】445

