

The Application Experimental Research on the Real-time Compaction Detection Technique

【作者】 汪学斌

【导师】 胡永彪; 刘洪海;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 振动压路机以其良好的压实效果在公路建设中发挥着重要作用,为进一步提高压实质量和效率,克服传统压实质量检测和控制方法的不足,基于压路机与被压材料动力学特性判断压实进程的压实在线检测技术近年来得到了较大关注。国外在此技术的研究和应用处于领先地位,国内研究则主要集中于压实在线检测技术和产品开发,工程应用研究较少。压实在线检测仪压实值是对压实效果和铺层密实程度的数值反映,压路机机械参数、材料特性参数和压实工艺参数都对压实值有直接关系,要解决其工程应用问题,须对其检测值准确性、影响因素、工程应用条件和工程应用方案进行试验研究。振动轮加速度信号包含了压实过程中多种信息,加速度信号特征的变化与铺层压实度的变化呈现出一定的关系。通过振动信号检测系统现场试验,研究了振动轮加速度信号的谐波分量成分和幅值与材料密实程度关系,同时对振动压路机“跳振”状态下的加速度信号进行了相关分析。振动压实作业是振动压路机与被压材料相互作用的复杂过程,压路机频率、振幅、碾压速度,铺层材料类型、级配、含水量、厚度等都是影响压实效果的重要因素,施工过程中这些参数也不可避免出现波动。本文对压实在线检测仪压实值R准确性进行了验证试验,在振动压路机工作参数合理、稳定,铺层材料特性参数变异性小的状况下,分析了压实值R与现场灌砂法压实度线性相关程度,对其反映铺层材料压实状况准确性进行了相关研究。通过试验研究,频率波动小于1%,碾压速度波动小于0.5%时,压实值R可较为准确的反映材料压实状况,同时可反映出压实过程中材料特性参数方面变化,技术人员可以根据压实值反映出的压实信息更好的控制压实进程。通过与灌砂法压实度标定,或依据压实值增量,驾驶员可判断铺层是否完成压实作业;依据压实在线检测仪反映出的各类压实信息合理调整压路机工作参数,合理控制材料特性参数,提高压实质量和效率。本文研究成果是多条高速公路施工现场试验的总结,现场应用试验表明压实在线检测仪可实现压实质量的快速准确检测,协助驾驶员更好的判断铺层压实状况,避免过压和欠压,根据压实值反映出的多种信息合理调整工作过程,提高压实质量与效率。

【Abstract】 Vibratory rollers, with its good compaction effect, has played an important role in highway construction. In order to further improve the compaction quality and efficiency, overcome the disadvantages of traditional compaction quality detection and control mode, real-time compaction detection technique, which is based on interaction dynamic characteristic changes between roller and compacted material, obtained much concern in recent years. The abroad keep ahead in application research of this technology, the domestic research is mainly focused on product development, less practical application research. The compaction detection value of Real-time Compaction Detection Instrument is the numerical degree reflection of compaction effect and layer close-grained degree, roller mechanical parameters, material characteristic parameters and compaction process parameters has a direct relationship with the compaction detection value. To solve the problem of the engineering application, shall the accuracy, influence factors, application conditions and application solutions were tested.Vibration roller acceleration signal contains various information of compaction process, there are certain relationship between acceleration signal characteristics change and layer compaction degree change. Acceleration signal characteristics also reveals the causes of jumping vibration working mechanism in certain extentThe accuracy of the compaction detection value R verifying experiments indicate that, on the circumstances of vibratory rollers work parameters reasonable and stability, layer material characteristic parameter variation little, there is a significantly linear correlation relationship between compaction detection value R and sand replacement method compaction, compaction detection value R is a true reflection of layer materials compaction condition.Vibration compaction is a complicated interactions process between vibratory rollers and material, roller frequency, amplitude, rolling speed, layer material type, granular composition, water content, thickness and so on is the important factor affects compaction effect. These parameters construction process are also inevitable fluctuate. This paper experimental research shows that frequency wave less than 1%, rolling speed fluctuation less than 0.5%, compaction detection value can be more accurately reflects compaction condition of material and some changes in granular composition or water content. Technician can better control compaction process according to the information reflecting by compaction value.Through calibration with sand replacement method, or according to the compaction value increment, the driver can judge the new layer is completed compaction or not; According to kinds of compaction information, through reasonable adjustment roller working parameters and reasonable control material characteristic parameters, compaction quality process control can realize.The result of this paper is a summary of some highways construction site experiment, field application shows that using Real-time Compaction Detection Instrument can assist drivers better judgment layer compaction condition, avoid overcompaction and less compaction, improve the compaction quality and efficiency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】U415.521
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】141

