

Design of Highway Pavement Structure under Overloading Transportation Checked System in Shaanxi Province Base on GIS

【作者】 王莉

【导师】 张碧琴;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国公路建设的飞速发展,进一步带动了运输市场的繁荣。但我国公路超限运输现象愈演愈烈,大量的超过设计轴载标准的车辆在公路上行驶,已成为破坏道路的“头号杀手”。通过公路超限运输路面结构验算系统研究,可帮助管理部门深入了解超限超载作用下路面结构的受力影响,及时对相应路段公路进行维修措施,指导管理部门对养护经费进行合理投入。本文以现行沥青路面及水泥路面设计规范为基础,通过分析国内外相关资料,针对超限交通的特点,分析获得车辆超限运输轴载下的沥青路面及水泥路面标准轴载换算公式。对考虑超限作用的路面结构验算内容进行了讨论和分析,确定以现有轴载作用下路面弯沉值、容许拉应力值、路面使用寿命及所需路面结构层厚度为沥青路面结构验算内容;以现有轴载作用下的综合疲劳应力值、路面使用寿命及所需路面结构层厚度为水泥路面结构验算内容。在此基础上,结合GIS相关理论开发出“基于GIS的陕西省公路超限运输路面结构验算系统”,实现了路面结构验算的快速准确、直观可视、图文并茂。为道路的养护维修管理提供了科学的决策依据。基于以上理论分析,本文结合GIS相关理论开发出“基于GIS的陕西省公路超限运输路面结构验算系统”。软件系统以组件式GIS作为二次开发方式,以Visual Studio.NET2005为集成开发环境,嵌入ArcEngine9.3组件对象,采用先进的OLE自动化开发技术,运用VB.NET语言进行程序编写,利用ADO.NET技术进行数据库访问。系统将Access数据库与Arclnfo数据连接,通过建立线性参照系统及动态分段技术实现了空间数据与属性数据的双向查询。系统充分利用非调查目的的现有数据源——动态磅称重系统数据库,并通过收集设计资料建立路面结构信息基础数据库。系统采用模块化设计方法,由属性维护模块、路面结构验算模块、图形编辑模块组成,不同的模块以不同的视图显示,模块间通过菜单命令实现转换。系统通过对陕西省国道超限作用下路面结构验算结果及分析,验证了GIS应用于陕西省国道超限作用下路面结构验算系统的可行性。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of China highway construction, Transport market became more prosperous. Because of the more and more serious phenomenon of overloading transportation in China, there is the primary factor to destroy roads which is the load of axle more than design standard Through the research on the overload situation check system for highway pavement structure, it can help the administration departments to understand the stress of asphalt pavement structure under the overrun and overload, to take measures to road maintenance timely and to guide highway management department to distribute the maintenance funds.Based on the current specification for design of highway asphalt pavement and cement pavement, through the analysis of the domestic and foreign relevant literatures and the features of out-of-gauge traffic, it is concluded that the standard axle load conversion formula under the overrun of the asphalt pavement and cement road surface. The highway pavement structure check system under overload situation was considered and discussed, and then proposed the asphalt pavement structure check system including the pavement deflection value, allowable tension stress, pavement service life and the required thickness of asphalt pavement structure, all that under the current axial load; And proposed the cement pavement structure check system including combined fatigue stress value, pavement service life and the required thickness of the cement pavement structure; Meanwhile, in this paper based on the data statistics of axial load and pavement design data, the pavement structure was checked and the scientific and decision-making theory was provided for the maintain and manage of the highway in the Shaanxi province.Based on the above theoretical analysis, combined with GIS related theory, the "Highway Pavement Structure under Overloading Transportation Checked System in Shaanxi Province Base on GIS" was developed. In this software system, make the component GIS as the customized development and NET2005 with Visual Studio as the integrated development environment; ArcEngine9.3 was embedded. In addition the advanced OLE automation development technology, vb.net language programming and ado.net technology was used to access the database. In this system, the ArcInfo database and Access database was connected, and the bidirectional inquiring between spatial data and attribute data by the establishment of linear referencing system and dynamic segmentation technology.In this system, the existing data:dynamic weighing system database was made full used and the information foundation database of pavement structure was established by data collection. Modular design procedures were used in this system, including the module of data attribute, pavement structure check and picture edit. Different modules were displayed in different view and the modules can be converted by menu commands.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】U416.2;P208
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】50

