

Evaluation Methods of Tack Coat and Stress Absorbing Interlayer

【作者】 郭锋

【导师】 陈华鑫;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 层间剪切破坏和反射裂缝破坏是当前路面病害的两个主要诱因,目前关于结构抗剪性能和抗裂性能的室内试验种类繁多,本研究旨在提出一套可靠性好、精确度高的试验方法与评价指标,并开发出一种新型的多功能层间力测试仪,以同时满足层间抗剪与抗裂性能试验测试,对合理评价路面层间功能显得尤为重要。首先,论文研究了层间剪切破坏机理,表明粘结力与摩阻力是改善层间抗剪性能的两个关键因素,拉拔试验功能可以评价层间粘结效果,剪切试验可以评价粘结力与摩阻力共同作用下的抗剪效果。在确定了拉拔与剪切试验中的各项参数之后,对几种常见的路面结构进行试验,对比不同层间功能材料的抗剪效果,结果表明使用SBS乳化沥青粘结后的层间抗剪效果要优于SBR乳化沥青粘层,使用沥青砂应力吸收层后的层间抗剪效果要优于橡胶同步碎石应力吸收层。其次,论文对反射裂缝的扩张机理进行剖析,表明应力吸收层的劲度模量是改善路面抗裂性能的主要因素,采用循环加载与裂缝张拉两种试验,对SAMI、SAMPAVE、STRATA三种应力吸收层进行测定,并根据加载曲线的线型变化,来反映各种材料的劲度模量大小及抗裂效果的高低。结果表明沥青砂应力吸收层的抗裂效果要优于橡胶同步碎石,同时沥青砂中粘结料的性能也会对抗裂效果产生影响。

【Abstract】 Shear slip and reflect crack are two of the most serious damages in asphalt pavement. As there are several different kinds of methods in shearing and cracking test, The research aimed at building an unified test methods and evaluating index. a multi-function interlayer stress tester, which could be used on both shearing and cracking testing.Firstly, mechanism of shear slip was studied, bonding and friction were thought to be the key factors to improve shear resistance, the pull-apart function could be used on bonding strength measurement only, shear-apart function could be used on the combine effection fo both bonding and friction. Some common pavement structure were tested by the two method, the reason and evaluation were analized either. Tests appeared that interface with SBS modified emulsion showed better shear strength than SBR modified emulsion.Then, mechanism of reflecting crack was studied either. Stiffness of stress absorbtion interlayer was thought to be the key factors, three kinds of stress absorbtion interlayer were tested by the instrument, including SAMI, SAMPAVE and STRATA, the stiffness modulus and anti-crack funtion were evaluated by the curves of stress-strain.Tests appeared that STRATA and SAMPAVE showed much better performance on anti-crack than SAMI.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

