

SBS Content Testing and Quality Evaluation of SBS Modified Asphalt

【作者】 张榆

【导师】 李炜光;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 现代公路交通量大,轴载重,普通沥青常难以满足高等级公路的使用要求,必须对其加以处理以提高沥青的路用性能。SBS改性沥青由于具有良好的使用性能,因此,在我国高速公路的使用日益广泛。大量研究和实践表明,SBS改性沥青中改性剂掺量及加工质量对改性沥青质量至关重要。本文在参考国内外研究的基础上,采用理论与试验相结合的办法,主要进行了以下研究工作:通过针入度、软化点和延度等常规技术性能指标测试,对SBS改性沥青中SBS掺量与三大指标相关性进行了测试与分析;通过测定改性沥青粘温特性,采用Saal公式发现,线型SBS改性沥青的lglgη值和lg(T+273.15)的线性相关性显著;通过红外光谱分析发现,SBS中反式丁二烯可以做为测定SBS掺量的依据;最终,基于荧光显微及图像处理技术,以微观相态结构作为指标并结合短、长期老化后的性能衰变,综合评价了SBS改性沥青的加工质量。通过上述实验结果的分析和讨论,论文总结出了SBS改性沥青掺量测试及加工质量评价方法,该方法对于管理和控制SBS改性沥青的生产质量具有重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Due to high volume of traffic and heavy loads on road surfaces, ordinary asphalt is usually not qualified enough to fulfill the requirements of modern highway systems and improvements need to be implemented to enhance pavement performance of asphalt. With its widely recognized satisfactory performance, SBS modifier has become one of the most promising polymer highway pavement modifiers in China. Dosage and processing quality of the modifier are the key issues in controlling the quality of SBS modified asphalt and preserving durability of pavement.Based on experiments and theoretical analysis, this research conducted the following works:by testing several technical performance indicators including penetration, softening point and ductility, etc, discovered that linear correlation between dosage of SBS modifier and the three indicators is poor; by using Saal formula and testing viscosity of modified asphalt under various temperatures, found that there is significant leaner correlation between lglgηof SBS modified asphalt and lg(T+273.15); through infrared spectroscopy analysis, found that trans-butadiene in SBS can be used as a basis in measuring the dosage of SBS; Based on fluorescence microscopy and image processing technology, using micro-phase structure as the indicator and combined with analysis on performance decays after long-term and short-term aging, evaluated the processing quality of SBS modified asphalt.With results from the experiments and analysis above, this paper summarized methods in testing the dosage of SBS modified asphalt and evaluating processing quality of it. These methods are important in managing and controlling the quality of SBS modified asphalt.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

