

Research on the Dynamic Control Quality Technology of Bao-Han Expressway Asphalt Pavement

【作者】 杨舒豪

【导师】 郝培文;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 材料学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 施工质量优劣是引起沥青路面破坏的重要原因。沥青混凝土路面施工质量控制是一个动态的过程,对全过程进行控制,需要根据施工过程中指标控制的偏差情况及时调整,使生产处于受控状态,以保证路面工程质量。因此,把沥青路面施工动态控制纳入“统计过程控制”的范畴,将沥青路面视为一种产品,科学地利用统计原理,对沥青路面施工过程进行“实时监控”,具有重要的实用价值。本文依托宝汉高速公路宝鸡至陕甘界沥青路面工程,以大量试验和监控数据为基础,利用统计过程控制理论方法,进行了以下研究:对宝汉高速公路水泥稳定碎石基层、底基层和沥青混合料面层级配范围进行了优化。采用标准击实和振动成型两种方法,对比确定了水泥稳定碎石基层、底基层最佳水泥剂量、最佳含水量和最大干密度等控制指标。针对优化后沥青混合料级配,进行了马歇尔试验和路用性能检验并试铺了试验段,确定了沥青混合料面层的质量控制指标。对统计过程控制的具体内容和方法以及统计过程控制图进行了详细分析,结合沥青混合料生产特点对统计过程关键指标进行了分析,确定了过程控制的标准和方法,为沥青路面施工过程质量控制提供了依据。应用统计过程控制原理,对施工过程中关键性指标进行了监控,分析了异常数据产生原因并调整使过程受控。最后针对宝汉高速公路三个路面标沥青拌合站黑匣子监控数据进行了分析。本文研究为宝汉高速公路宝鸡至陕甘段沥青路面施工工程中质量控制提供了指导依据,改进了混合料生产管理方法,提高了混合料的产品质量以及公路路面施工质量管理水平。

【Abstract】 Bad construction quality control is an important reason of asphalt pavement damage. The Quality control of asphalt concrete pavement construction is a dynamic process, which requires throughout the whole process of it. To ensure the quality of pavement engineering, according to the deviation be found, it have to adjust the production in time. Therefore, the dynamic control of the asphalt pavement construction should be take as part of the Statistical Process Control, and the asphalt pavement should also be seen as an product. Using the statistical knowledge scientifically and it has important practical value of real-time monitoring of asphalt pavement construction. This article relying on this highway Baoji Shaanxi and Gansu Han Bao border road projects to a large number of test and monitoring data, using the methods of statistical process control theory, for the following three aspects:First, Bao Han Cement Treated Base, sub-base and asphalt surface layer of three-level grading curve with the scope and optimized. Cement stabilized gravel, sub-base compaction and vibration using standard molding compared two methods to determine the best dosage of cement, the best water content and maximum dry density control targets. Using optimized graded asphalt mixture and the Marshall test section of paved to finalize the surface layer of asphalt mixture quality control indicators.Secondly, the specific content of statistical process control and methods of in-depth study, and statistical process control tools-control charts for detailed analysis of key indicators through the analysis of statistical process and the production of asphalt mixtures with its own characteristics, to determine the production process in the process control standards and methods for the construction to provide a valuable basis for guiding.Again, in the road production of the three tenders application of statistical process control theory applied to the key indicators to monitor, analyze causes of abnormal data process and adjust the process control. Finally, Po Hon whole section of highway traffic section of the subject of three road asphalt mixing plant monitoring data to analyze the black box, so that cause of the exception under control adjusted so that the entire section of the final asphalt surface construction process in a "controlled" state. This study was Po Hon Shaanxi-Gansu section of a highway project in Baoji to the production of statistical process control provides guidance on the basis of the production mix can improve the management methods to improve the quality of products mixture to improve the quality of highway and road construction management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】U416.217
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】331

