

Study on Crowd Evacuation Simulation System

【作者】 王海涛

【导师】 熊桂林;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的飞速发展,城市中各种高层建筑物、超大型商场以及购物中心、大型娱乐城、大规模体育运动场等一系列人员聚集场所应运而生。然而这些虽然满足了人们的多元化需求,丰富了人们的精神文化生活,却给人们带来了很大的安全隐患。一旦在这种场所发生突发事件,受惊的人群如何进行高效、快速的疏散就成为一个值得深入研究的问题。疏散中的人群,其行为不仅受到外界各种因素的影响,而且也受到人们的心理状况的影响。对于疏散的人群,我们很难用数学的式子来总结其行动规律。由于人群疏散过程通常涉及大量的人员,进行过程中可能发生的各种意外和对于突发事件的不可预测性使实验难以进行。因此,在研究人群疏散时,计算机模拟是主要的手段。本文提出了一种基于Agent人群建模的方法。该方法与传统建模方法有很大的不同点,传统的人群建模单位是群体,而本文是以单个个体为单位。这种建模方式能够很好的将个体、群体的行为特点表现出来。该模型的感知模块可以感知其周围环境中的静态、动态的障碍物,从而可以很好的实现避障功能。人群建模完成后,本文介绍了我们自主开发的基于OGRE图形引擎的架构和主要部分,并在此引擎的基础上以插件的形式开发了群体行为仿真模块子系统。最后,通过引擎构建出了群体仿真需要的动态3D环境,在引擎和工具开发出的验证系统中,对所提到的模型和思想进行了验证开发,取得了满意的效果。

【Abstract】 The frequent turning up of high buildings, such as shopping malls, large entertainment places and large-scale stadium due to development of economy and society has satisfied multiple material and mental requirements of people, nevertheless these high buildings also posed safety threats. Once the emergent events occurred in such places, frightened people how efficient and rapid evacuation to be a worthy of further study.The behavior evacuation crowd depends greatly on the interactions among crowd members and many other factors. So, it is very difficult to formulate it. On the other hand, the number of people must be evacuated is usually very high in emergent situation. It is impossible to do experiment like that due to the great expenditure and the possibility of accidents. So, the main feasible tool can be used to study evacuation dynamics is computer simulation.This paper presents a crowd modeling method based on Agent.This method is different from traditional methods,the traditional modeling unit is a group of people,this paper is based on an individual as the unit.This modeling method can very good show the characteristics of individual and group. The model of the perception module that can sense the static and dynamic obstacles in the surrounding environment can achieve very good obstacle avoidance capabilities. After the crowd modeling is introduced, this paper presents the architecture based on the OGRE 3D graphics engine, which is independently developed by us.Based on the 3D engine, we developed a group behavior simulation module subsystem in the form of plug-in.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

