

The Current Situation and Guidance of University Network Public Opinion

【作者】 郭志伟

【导师】 贺才兵;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高校网络舆情进入全面发展时期,网络舆情现状和引导也显得尤为重要。高校网络舆情有很多优点,如能提供“原生态”舆情基础,有利于学生思想的真实表达和对学生心声的准确把握、能为政府科学决策提供依据、促进对政府官员的监督、通过“意见领袖”能淡化过激言论,缓解渐趋紧张的社会矛盾。但是作为“双刃剑”,网络舆情还是有很多不足之处:网络“把关人”缺失导致网络虚假信息泛滥、“意见领袖”的恶意引导引发“蝴蝶效应”等。本文分五章内容,在简要介绍本课题的研究现状、研究意义和研究方法后,从高校网络舆情的理论入手,全面介绍了高校网络舆情的概念、内容和特征、运行过程、对社会的双重影响及其高校网络舆情的发展和经验。之后以湖南财政经济学院的一份网络舆情调查报告为切入点,并结合近年来的网络上的热点事件,进行理论结合实际的分析,阐述了高校网络舆情的现状和成因分析,提出网络舆情引导的原则与内容,并从建立公开透明、及时有效的学校信息发布、建设好一批高校红色网站、培养网络论坛的“意见领袖”、从技术上防范有害舆情的传播、提高网络道德,强化自律机制这五个方面叙述了高校网络舆情引导的方法。

【Abstract】 As the public seminars on campus network are coming into full swing, the importance of its status quo and further supervision becomes self-evident. Undeniably the public seminars on campus network are found especially effective in offering first-hand public opinions, helping understand the psychology and appeals of students, even in providing scientific reference for government policy-making and public supervision over government officials, softening radical remarks so as to ease the increasingly intense social conflicts. While on the other hand, the seminars on network prove to be insufficient with regard to its prevalent false information directly caused by the absence of official supervisor, and the butterfly effects rising as a result of some ill-intentioned seminar hosts. This article, designed in five chapters besides the abstract and introduction, cuts in first from a theoretical point of view, followed by a comprehensive study on the concept, content, characteristics, operation process, dual effect exerted on the society and the development and experience of public seminars on campus network. A survey on the public seminars on campus network of Hunan University of Finance and Economics, supported by most-discussed events on internet, makes it possible to explore theoretically and practically into the status quo and causes of the formation by public seminars on campus network. The article also constructively points out principles and contents to guide public seminars on campus network, and particularly discusses five practical ways to supervise public seminars on campus network---establishing highly transparent and effective public information platform, building deliberately a group of model campus websites, cultivating leading public seminars, technically preventing the spread of ill opinions or immoral messages and enhancing self-discipline.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

