

Studies on Evaluation of Ecological Conditions of High-quality Green Tea and Adaptability of Tea Varieties in Wuling Mountain Area of Hunan

【作者】 蒋洵

【导师】 黄仲先;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 生态学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 湖南是我国茶叶主产省,产茶历史悠久,以生产绿茶为主,现有茶园93,333hm2,年产茶叶超过80,000t。其中绿茶约占茶叶总产量的50%,产值超过70%。湖南绿茶生产主要集中在两大区域:一是洞庭湖环湖丘陵,占产量比重很大,主要生产绿茶,产量多,做工较好,但是内质缺乏鲜明特色;二是武陵山区,绿茶品质优异,香气滋味上乘,虽然产量比重较小,但该地区的绿茶常作为洞庭湖环湖丘陵绿茶的重要拼配原料,带动全省绿茶品质的提升。目前湖南省武陵山区的茶叶生产已成为山区茶农的主要收入来源和农村重要的支柱产业。但在实际生产中还存在一些问题,如茶园管理粗放、茶树品种杂乱、茶叶产量不高、经济效益不佳等。茶树种植缺乏科学指导,茶叶生产缺乏技术支撑,缺乏对武陵山区优质绿茶生态条件的认识和对茶树品种适应性的研究是重要原因。针对这些问题,运用茶树栽培学理论、生态学原理、制茶学原理、茶叶生物化学理论,通过野外调查、田间试验、分析测试等手段,对湖南省武陵山区茶叶主产县古丈县、沅陵县、桃源县、石门县等具有代表性的茶园的海拔高度、茶园土壤养分含量、气候特征和茶叶的品质成分含量进行了分析研究,掌握了湖南省武陵山区优质绿茶生态条件;以碧香早、龙井43、白毫早、福鼎大毫、福鼎大白、迎霜、早春毫、金观音、槠叶齐、88-15、88-12、88-3共12个品种(系)为研究对象,从茶树品种(系)的生态适应性出发,对茶树形态、物候期、芽叶性状、抗逆性、炒青茶样内含成分分析和茶叶感官审评等方面进行研究和比较。所得主要结果如下:1.湖南省武陵山区茶园土壤pH值为4.4-5.3,酸度适中;有机质含量丰富;全氮、碱解氮含量丰富,全磷、速效磷、全钾、速效钾含量处于较低水平;交换性钙、镁含量较高;重金属铅、镉、汞含量低;对土样对应茶样的内含成分分析显示,茶叶氨基酸、茶多酚、咖啡碱、水浸出物含量都较高。说明湖南省武陵山区茶园环境适宜茶树生长,可以实现茶叶的优质高产、安全生产。将茶树生态条件分为生存条件、生长条件和优质条件三个梯级,武陵山区能够满足茶树生存的要求,土壤pH适宜、除了海拔大于1200m的山地极端最低气温太低外,均能满足茶树生存的温度要求。土层深厚、质地疏松、土壤肥力水平普遍较高,温光资源充足,具有获得茶叶高产的基本条件。武陵山区实现茶叶优质生产的条件极佳,首先茶园的海拔处于200-1200m,海拔200-600m的茶园为武陵山区茶园的主体,具有生产优质绿茶的最佳海拔条件;其次,昼夜温差大,空气湿度高,雾气充足有利于优质绿茶原料的形成;第三,土壤肥沃,可为茶树提供充足的营养,部分茶园注意加强土壤N、P、K等营养元素的补充和增施有机肥料可以获得茶叶高产和优质。2.根据试验研究,各参试品种中以碧香早表现最好。早春毫可作为特早生品种在湖南省武陵山区较低海拔的地方搭配种植;碧香早、迎霜、白毫早可作为早生品种在武陵山区大量推广;槠叶齐可作为中晚生茶树品种在湖南省武陵山区推广种植。

【Abstract】 Hunan is a major tea producing province in China, which has a long history. Green tea is the major tea in Hunan. There are tea gardens of 93,333 hectares in Hunan, with an annual output more than 80,0001. Green tea, which accounts for about 50% of total output, values more than 70% of total value. Green tea in Hunan is mainly produced in the following two areas:one is the region around the Dongting Lake where green tea has the largest production. The green tea is well-manufactured with large production but its inner quality lacks distinct features; the other is Wuling Mountain area where green tea possesses outstanding quality and high-class flavor. Although the green tea production in Wuling Mountain area is smaller, it is usually used as a very important raw material to mix with green tea in the Dongting Lake region and improves the quality of green tea of the whole Hunan province. At present, tea production in Wuling Mountain area has contributed to the major incomes of tea growers and has been the mainstay industry of tea districts. However, some problems still exist in the actual prodcution such as extensive management of tea gardens, disordered tea types, low production of tea and low rate of return. The underlying reasons are a lack of scientific guidance in growing tea, technical support in tea production, knowledge of the natural condition of superior green tea in Wuling mountain district and the research over the adaptation of tea types. To solve these problems, using "Tea Cultivation Theory", "Ecological Principle", "Tea Producing Principle", "Tea Biochemical Theory", through field investigation, field experiments, analysis and other means, we studied the elevation,the soil,the climate feature,the quality of tea in the tea garden of Guzhang, Yuanling, Taoyuan, Shimen which are the most representative tea production areas in Hunan Wuling Mountain area. We master the ecological conditions of Hunan Wuling mountain area; taking Bixiangzao, Longjing 43, Baihaozao, Fudingdahao, Fudingdabaicha, Yingshuang, Zaochunhao, Jinguanyin, Zhuyeqi,88-15,88-12,88-3, a total of 12 varieties (lines) as the research objects, we compared and studied on the tea plant morphology, phenology, bud traits, resistance, analysis of constituents of roasted tea samples and sensory evaluation, from the ecological adaptability of tea varieties. The main results are as follows:1. In Hunan Wuling Mountain tea garden, pH is 4.4-5.3, which is suitable; rich in O.M. content; TN and AN are abundant, while TP, AP, TK, AK at a low level; the contents of exchangeable Ca and Mg are higher; the content of heavy metals including Pb, Cd and Hg are low; paired with the soil samples, the constituents of tea samples show that the contents of amino acids, TP, caffeine and water extract are at higher levels. It proves that the environment is suitable for the growth of tea plant and tea could achieve high quality and safe production.The ecological conditions of tea can be divided into three steps:living, growing and quality conditions.There is no doubt that the Wuling Mountain area meet to the living conditions of tea, soil pH is suitable, as well as temperature, in addition to extreme minimum temperature is too low at more than 1200m above sea level mountain. The soil with high fertility is deep and loose, resource of temperature and light is abundant, this area has the basic conditions for high yield of tea. Wuling Mountainou area is in the excellent condition of producing tea. Firstly, the elevation of the tea garden between 200-1200m and the main tea garden in 200-600m has the best quality elevation conditions for producing green tea; secondly, the temperature gap between day and night is great, the air humidity is high, and heavy fog is conducive to the formation of high-quality green tea; thirdly, fertile soil can provide adequate nutrition for tea plants, some tea gardens have to increase N, P, K and other nutrients in the supplement and organic fertilizer.2. According to research, Bixiangzao is the best variety of the tested varieties. Zaochunhao can be planted in Hunan Wuling Mountain area with lower elevations as one of the earliest species; Bixiangzao, Yingshuang, Baihaozao varieties can be planted in Hunan Wuling Mountain area as the early species.; Zhuyeqi belongs to late species which is helpful to extend the exploitation of the famous green tea, also suitable to promote in Hunan Wuling Mountain area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

