

【作者】 黄金

【导师】 陈潭;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的经济、政治和社会结构正经历着巨大而深刻的变革,经济成分、价值观念和利益格局出现分化,各利益群体间的矛盾和冲突逐渐显现,不可避免地出现了一些群体性事件,并成为当代中国政治和公共管理实践必须直面和解决的重大课题。而以网络的普及为特征的“麦克风时代”的到来,极大地改变了我国的行政生态,网络正逐步塑造着我们的“数字化生存”状态。作为民众的意见表达渠道和新兴话语平台,网民在网络上围绕某社会事项所表达的意见和看法,并由此形成的舆情传播和政治态势。网络这一公共场域成为利益主体利益难题的虚拟求解渠道、普通网民民意表达的话语平台,同时这一新兴权力也给政府造成了去权威化挑战。群体性事件的网络舆情有着诸多典型特征,文章运用蝴蝶效应理论来分析网络媒介的突变性急骤催化,运用群体极化理论来分析从众行为的单向性演进逻辑,运用匿名制服理论来分析民粹主义的非理性集体狂欢。网络舆情给政府在处理群体性事件时带来了挑战,具体而言,包括从控制到自由所促成的话语霸权的解构、从精英到草根所促成的公民社会的兴起、从垂直到水平所促成的权力流动的转向,以及从封闭到开放所促成的治理逻辑的嬗变,所有这些均需要政府变革传统的治理思维,以迎接新的挑战。网络舆情对于群体性事件的产生、发展和解决具有重大影响。如果政府能对网络舆情进行有效的觉察和引导,网上和网下,或虚拟和真实世界形成良性互动时,政府便能将群体性事件防忠于未然,或发生后能有效地处理和解决;相反,如果政府未能有效适应网络所传统治理方式所带来的冲击,未能有效应对网络舆情,虚拟世界的舆情往往会成为现实世界中群体性事件的导火索、催化剂。因此,我们需要思考如何来化解网络与群体性事件的交织所生成的治理困境,通过舆情管道的构建来对社会压力进行释放、通过意见领袖的培育来对网络舆情进行引导、通过议程设置的改变来对权威话语进行争夺、通过信息把关的加强来对不良信息进行控制、通过政府治理的变革来对社会矛盾进行消弥,这些可作为走出困境的可能路径选择。

【Abstract】 China’s economic, political and social structures are undergoing tremendous. Profound changes have taken place in the areas of the economy, values and interests, and conflicts between various interest groups gradually appear. group events caused by these factors have become a major issue which contemporary Chinese politics and public management practices must face and resolve. The popularity of the network characterized by the "microphone time," greatly changed the ecology of administration, and the network is gradually shaping our "Being Digital" state.As a channel for people to express their opinions, users on the network express their views around some certain issues,and thus spread the formation of public opinion and political situation. As the public field, network has become the virtual channels for the public to solve the interest problem. And at the same time,the emerging power also poses challenge of de-authority to the government.Network opinions of group events has many typical characteristics. The article uses the butterfly effect theory to analyze the mutation of the rapid-network media catalyst, uses group polarization theory to analyze the unidirectional evolution logic of herd behavior, uses anonymous uniform theory to analyze irrationality of collective revelry. Internet public opinion has brought challenges to the government in the handling of group events. In particular, the deconstruction of the hegemony, the rise of civil society, the turn of power flow, and the evolution of governance logic. The government needs to change the traditional management thinking to meet new challenges.Internet public opinion has significant impact on the production development and solution of group events. If the government can effectively detect network public opinion and then they can take preventive measures to group events, or effectively management them; On the contrary, if the government failed to effectively adapt to the network and failed to effectively respond to the network, the public opinion in virtual world often becomes the fuse and catalyst of group event in the real world. Therefore, we need to consider how to resolve governance difficulties generated by the interweaving of network and group events.Through the construction of public opinion pipelines to release social pressure, through the cultivation of opinion leaders to guide public opinion on the network, through changes in agenda setting to compete on the authority of the discourse, through the strengthening of the information gatekeeper to control the information on the bad, through changes in governance to bridge the social contradictions, which can be used as the possible measures to solve the governance problems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D630;G206
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1349
  • 攻读期成果

